Drive-In Theaters Making A Come Back During Pandemic – IOTW Report

Drive-In Theaters Making A Come Back During Pandemic


Drive-in movie theaters have increased in popularity as draconian lockdown measures have been established by politicians in response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

In fact, this new “pandemic generation” currently has more than 300 drive-in theaters available to them across the United States, which is down from about 4,000 in 1958, according to a report by the Middletown Press.

The concept of drive-in events don’t just stop with movies, as Florida is about to host what is likely the nation’s first-ever drive-in music festival. More

10 Comments on Drive-In Theaters Making A Come Back During Pandemic

  1. That’s where I saw Woodstock.
    We hid in the trunk or jumped the
    fence.Got drunk on beer we stole from
    the James Island Yacht Club and iced it
    down with ice from a Holiday Inn ice machine
    on the ground floor.Wandered around looking for
    girls from St Andrews High School…
    BTW,, It was called the Magnolia Drive In
    on coastal Highway #17.

  2. Trump should start doing rally’s at drive ins or on the empty Vegas strip- tune in to radio station xyz. Tons of ways to safely do it and blow libtards heads up.

  3. The Drive-ins were and era of American history that evolved around the automobile and family activities that included the kids you really couldn’t take to a theater with you. Also were a good place for serious dates and such that needed adults out of the way for a while, but lets not talk about that part of it.

    Maybe if they reappear they will represent a new era in our history, but I wonder what they will be signifying if they become popular again.

  4. OT:

    For months I’ve been cycling immune boosting supplements to prevent contracting the wuflu such as oregano oil, elderberry, selenium, NAC, zinc, VitC, VitD, chaga, quercetin… and a few others. I got to reading medical research papers and trolling around brilliant people posting videos on the subject. Just to pass along my very abbreviated conclusions if you are concerned about contracting it or have already contracted or know someone who has it or have a comorbidity. All the above supplements are good for prevention, but there are some better than others, especially if you are already sick. You want to take at a minimum Vitamin C & D, Zinc, and NAC (N-acetyl cysteine). NAC is fascinating at breaking up mucus bonds formed in the lungs and clot prevention. A fantastic video recently posted on it is a must watch. I argue if these supplements were taken by our population as a whole there wouldn’t be a shutdown and not nearly as many people would die or even contract wuflu. Certainly wouldn’t need silly diaper faces and unscientific social distancing. Please do your research on the benefits, it may save your life or the life of someone you know. At a minimum it will definitely help keep you out of the hospital. Stay healthy!

  5. I saw a ton of movies at the drive in as a kid. I remember they had a playground area off to the side for the kids. Thats where I saw Bullitt also. Best chase scene ever. Lots of Bruce Lee too. Good times.

  6. i remember a drive-in porno theater just west of sacramento, entirely visible from the freeway

    you could literally be driving west on the 80, look to your left, and see a giant blowjob in progress for the family’s evening entertainment

    i shit you not

  7. 1980’s

    I remember being under aged 15-16 ish and my older Hockey buddies (I could fight & hit) sneaking me and a few cases of beer into a drive in theater in Woodbridge Ontario to “watch a movie”.

    I was there because Jennie Harrison was there. A straight haired BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE 1 year older, curves, and 3 numbers out of my league.

    The words “drive in” brought that hidden memory back in 2 tenths of a second. Only a Hockey guy would know what 2 tenths of a second means.

    We pretended to watch the movie, a couple of awkward teen kisses, and a few beers and cigarettes to pretend we were older than what we were, and that is what a drive in is to me. It was innocent.

    What a memory!

    Thank you for bringing it up.


    Woodbridge Raiders 1984 All Ontario Ice hockey campions.

  8. ECP= I eat hot dogs from the gas station
    and drink mass quantities of cold beer.Don’t
    need no stinkin’ over priced Yuppie supplements.

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