Blue Lives Matter
After the wreck, investigators discovered that the driver of the truck that killed seven people had a history of driving under the influence, according to MassLive.
In fact, he was arraigned on June 26 for a May 11 DUI arrest in East Windsor, Connecticut.
Zhukovskyy’s license had been suspended for several years after a drunk driving incident in Westfield, MassLive reported.

And on June 3, five months after his February arrest in Baytown, he rolled an 18-wheeler in the same area, the Boston Herald reported.
That wreck occurred just two weeks before Zhukovskyy plowed into the motorcycle club in New England.
The video of his February arrest at a Denny’s restaurant in Baytown showed a jittery man hopped up on something that wouldn’t allow him to stand still. Officers responded to the restaurant for a complaint about a customer who was “talking to himself and acting strange” and banging on the counter, the Boston Herald reported. More
h/t Weasel Zippers
Life, without parole.
Drunk driving, drug possession, a long list of serious violations, then the death of 7. Another “Dreamer” who comes to our shores to shit all over us. This madness MUST END.
And libs think we’re only trying to get rid of “Mexicans”. Nay nay! We’re trying to get rid of ALL illegals, including the ones bused in by the gubmint.
Bye, Fadeaushka!
Sober him up, make sure he’s clean, then part him out.
The left doesn’t care about America, American lives or our pain or goals. Their only objective is to gain and keep power and money. Vote them goodbye. They just sing catchy songs and babble patter. Power and money is all they seek, no matter what they preach.
Hang the judge that let him walk, while they’re at it. 😡
I want to go into the For-Profit Prison racket
I envision great rows of steel con-ex shipping containers just outside of Yuma Each prisoner is afforded one half of a container that contains a bunk, toilet, shower.
No visitors, no outdoors, no nothing. You get an open grate so you get some air. You get fed what the immigrant lady complained about on the caravan. No lights, no tv only am radio.
No punishment for bad behavior, only minor in services, like water.
No time off for good behavior, because I don’t care how you behave. No hurt or injured guards, no drugs only Jenkim.
I would give this guy fifty years for each offense.
Maine will have more of this kind of thing soon with the leftist extremists asking illegals to come here.
I hope one of the Coos County jail guards slips up and let him out in the general population for about 15 minutes.
The need for the return of vigilantism is inescapable.
a lifetime of 3 hots & a cot at taxpayer expense?
… a bullet’s a whole lot cheaper & the end result is the same