Driverless Shuttle Launched in Vegas To Much Fanfare!!! – IOTW Report

Driverless Shuttle Launched in Vegas To Much Fanfare!!!

Within three hours of its ceremonial inauguration, the driverless shuttle tee-boned a truck.

The pilot program seems to be on hold, indefinitely.

20 Comments on Driverless Shuttle Launched in Vegas To Much Fanfare!!!

  1. These fools seem possessed with this idea that nobody wants. Their track record has been abysmal so far, I hear about crashes constantly. By the time the bugs are worked out nobody would consider trusting one.

  2. What a waste.
    Fucking liberals is what it is.
    They don’t want me going faster in my car or on my motorcycle.
    It pisses them off to no end to see someone actually pay attention.

    Reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator is the mission.

    Then when cucks try to frontrun traffic and I’m there to end the day, suddenly I’m the asshole. Automated traffic is the arbitrator in their fucked up pokemon medicated minds.

  3. Will my shiny new ControlAltDelete mobile sense the countless school buses flashing red? Prevent me from a DUI? Drive me from Virginia to Nevada while I nap in the backseat? Spot deer crossing the road?

    This is total bs.

  4. HAL to unaware passenger in a driverless car or shuttle, “Do you want to go for a ride Dave. Trust me Dave I’m not homicidal but only will kill you because it’s in my best interests, Dave.” Dave to HAL, “Far out man, let’s go for a drive.” Moral, just like in 2001 A Space Odyssey don’t be a Dave and ever trust a computer (rogue or otherwise), it’ll get you every time.

  5. I just took a ride on in Las Vegas the ride was nice the braking was hard but it stop when some one walked out in front and when a car came to close. Coming from Automotive background I have to say this operatorless car was fun and diffenert the future is here.

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