Driving Them Mad – IOTW Report

Driving Them Mad

This FedEx driver was observed on a homeowner’s security camera having a conniption over the customer’s 144 lbs. couch being returned to the seller.

The homeowner watched the driver struggle from work as her Ring doorbell recorded the whole incident. Did the customer call to the driver to apologize, did she try to find some way to make it up to the poor man having to struggle to get the large box back into his obviously fully loaded truck? Of course not, she sent the footage to FedEx, contacted the local news and demanded an apology. Watch

26 Comments on Driving Them Mad

  1. I can’t believe she complained to his company. Dude was a trooper. A foulmouthed trooper, granted, but she had no reason to complain, he took the oversized package. He didn’t know she was spying on him as he cussed while doing his job.

  2. That ‘trooper’ may have broken both couches the company sent its customer. Consider his mouth, and attitude, in context.
    If you listened to her story, you should side with her. She ordered and paid for delivery of an unbroken item.
    FedEx hires alot of losers, particularly this busy time of the year. Maybe he’s more suited for frying potatoes.

  3. Tell wayfare to hire their own fucking movers for anything over 55 lbs.

    Or Fed-ex should send 2 people.

    There is a reason OSHA says anything over 50 lbs is 2 person job. It’s a safety thing & long term repeat injury thing and I work outdoors on roofs all day.

  4. It seems there’s a problem with a dispatcher who keeps giving this driver heavier loads than he’s suppose to handle.

    This women lives in WI, the upper mid-west. We’re all expected to be extremely nice and neighborly. When our mail carrier delivers other people’s mail to our box, we don’t demand an apology or raise a stink. We merely write a message for the post office for the letter to be forwarded to the correct address. We always say “please” and “thank you” on our message and write it right on the envelope, even though the mail carrier and the post master in town asked we use PostIt notes instead.

    Here’s a video on Wisconsin Nice.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHISDsmSsDg.Midwest nice

  5. He wasn’t talking to the customer. She wasn’t even at home. He was talking to dispatch, and he wasn’t on her property, he was on a public street. Fuck that scrunt. Let her try to pick up a couch solo and load it into a raised deck truck. I wonder what her boss would say about her watching her door camera while she’s at work?

  6. I don’t blame the guy one bit. It doesn’t natter what delivery service you use because you should always assume every package is going to be susceptible to abuse. WayFair should package the furniture better because they sell junk to begin with.

  7. The problem is with Fudex. Uless the driver’s name is Conan, do not expect one-man to deliver an oversize package to an address, Assign heavy loads to one truck with two men. Fire the “manager” that allowed this to happen.

  8. He should have been sent with help for a package that size. Even though she complained about his attitude the company knows they asked too much of him.
    And no they don’t break things on purpose, the company keeps track of that sort of thing. Things that get broke more than likely happens at the sorting hubs.

  9. I’ve on a few occasions lately delivered/picked up some mowers and snowblowers to some addresses and they have those Ring doorbells. I knock on the door! I’ve discovered over the years that many doorbells do not work. Wouldn’t have that computer linked crap in my home if you paid me.

  10. Speaking of RING, anyone stupid enough to install RING deserves the inevitability of getting hacked. Wake up, people.
    Oh, don’t forget to mail in your DNA for a bogus Family Tree report.
    Have you had a star named after you or a loved one?
    And you’ve got LifeLock, right?

    Can’t type any more; eyes rolled back and won’t return.

  11. People constantly recording everything anymore annoys me. There was a local woman recently that went all over social media posting a video of two different mail carriers delivering her mail through a mail slot on her door. The first one dropped the mail in and you heard the dog growl and you saw the carrier jerk his hand back and say, “you son-of-a-bitch bit my damn finger, tear the damn mail up, maybe then they’ll do something about your dumbass.” Sorry, if a dog bit my fingers, I’d probably say a few choice words as well.
    The other one, who I’m assuming had already had several encounters with the dog, was talking to someone on the phone, probably his wife as he said, “listen to this crap, this dog does this every time I have to carry this route, this is the kind of crap I have to put up with everyday, so I’ll switch jobs with you.”

    No local news stations would do her story, which made her mad, then she got really mad, when people started telling her to put the dog in another room or better yet put a mail box up instead of a mail slot and problem solved. She wanted them fired and said it was their fault their dog tears up her mail because you can clearly hear them antagonize her dog on the video and she was not going to put up a mail box, because she bought the house for the mail slot.

    I try to be nice to mail carriers as long as they deliver my mail and don’t throw my packages. I’m sure their job is a pain in the ass, always getting bit and chased by dogs, then reading some of the stuff I read on social media of people being pissed because their carrier is 15 minutes later delivering their mail than usual and that they informed him/her that was not acceptable and they called their supervisor.

  12. I did that job for three months. Got bit by dogs 5 times. Had a loose goat ram it’s horns in a package of wine and a herd of escape cows and one bull surround my truck. The worst delivery was a load of car tires to Walmart. Then there was the time I worked Christmas eve night with last minute deliveries. HO HO FUCKIN HO.

  13. I went through this when we ordered a nice bedroom set through Amazon, they had the last leg delivery handled by some shit on their shoes local outfit that make the FedEx guy look like a Chik Fil A drivethru.

    They included the delivery price in the price of the furniture so who knows what they paid those poor saps. The end of the line delivery guys were the poor saps, the shipper themselves were lying cocksucks. Everything was heavy. The lightest items were nightstands at 125 lbs each. A 500 lbs bed. A 600 lbs dresser. They weren’t going to set it up in the house and were only obligated to drop it off outmoded the rain.

    I paid the two truck guys an extra $100 each just to bring them in the door and nothing else. This is the dark side of ordering furniture online.

  14. She was in Shaack. Whaaa. Jeez lady, I bet if you or your husband had to do that job you would insist on a fork truck and more people to help.
    This news station should be told as much.

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