Drones kill ISIS jihadists after plot to assassinate Queen – IOTW Report

Drones kill ISIS jihadists after plot to assassinate Queen

NY Post: British forces launched a drone strike in Syria to kill three ISIS terrorists who had plotted to kill the queen and other members of the Royal Family by detonating a huge bomb at the country’s VJ Day celebration, Prime Minister David Cameron revealed Monday.

“There was a terrorist directing murder on our streets and no other means to stop them,” Cameron said about the lethal Aug. 21 drone attack — the first UK military action in the Syrian civil war.  more

19 Comments on Drones kill ISIS jihadists after plot to assassinate Queen

  1. “‘There was a terrorist directing murder on our streets and no other means to stop them,’ Cameron said.”

    “On our streets”? How much does Cameron really know or care about what’s on the streets?

    Lee Rigby was slaughtered in broad daylight in front of a busload of people, any one of whom could have stopped the savages had they been permitted to arm themselves properly.

    While I do support this action, I also want to ask Cameron why strict laws are in place that prevent protection against barbarism perpetrated on people who cannot command an army to protect them.

  2. Queen humiliates President Obama at Buckingham Palace by refusing toast – May 24 2011


    Apparently Barry thought the orchestra was playing”America the Beautiful” in his honor and to accompany his toast. Little did he know he gabbed over God Save The Queen.

    You can’t take the Obamas anywhere!

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