‘Drudge Report’ Celebrates Year of Declining Traffic – IOTW Report

‘Drudge Report’ Celebrates Year of Declining Traffic

Dan Bongino:

The mighty have fallen – and they’re pretending otherwise.

With the end of the year weeks away, Matt Drudge’s twitter account sent out a “thank you” tweet to his remaining audience. “Thanks a billion! Well, almost…” he wrote.

He tweeted a photo of the monthly traffic various news sources got in the month of November, showing him with 688 million of them. more

13 Comments on ‘Drudge Report’ Celebrates Year of Declining Traffic

  1. Drudge’s turning coat reminds me of Arianna Huffington and her Huffpo when her conservative, rich capitalist husband died. She had no problem grabbing the “dirty” cash as she went Left over the cliff, lying all the way down.

  2. It was hard to ditch Drudge the first day of doing it, but I starting getting my fix with Citizenfreepress.com.

    I’ve never looked back. Drudge is as irrelevant to me as Oprah.

  3. Possible WARNING!!!

    Biden, and his gang are in the process of freezing your savings AND Safe Deposit Boxes. How are they doing it?… COVID.

    Right now, they are finding out what you have in your savings accounts through Accounting/Attorney firms in your states.

  4. In the last century when I was between engineering jobs I’d do just about anything to survive, and being on old operator, I ran DRAGLINE out in the San Joaquine/Sacramento and Bay area. My job was to dredge up shit from the bottom of the waterways and pile it on the levee before the barge came to cover it with rock. I always thought I had something in common with Drudge with my dredge. We both scooped up shit from the bottom!

  5. Like Charles Johnson, of Little Green Footballs, (remember him? He broke the Dan Rather/GWB hoax) Drudge went over to the other side when his 15 minutes of fame expired. He started as a noble cause but morphed into a drama queen-attention whore. Much like many of our RINOs.


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