Drug Experts Find Fault With Bodycam Video Of Officer Collapsing After Exposure To Fentanyl – IOTW Report

Drug Experts Find Fault With Bodycam Video Of Officer Collapsing After Exposure To Fentanyl

Watch the video in question Here


The video used actual footage, the sheriff’s department said Monday after critics questioned the deputy’s severe reaction.

The video shows “an actual incident involving our deputy as he processed a white powdery substance that tested positive for Fentanyl,” a department news release said. The unedited body-worn camera footage will be released within the week.

The deputy was 6 inches from the powder on July 3 while processing drugs at an arrest, according to an incident report also released by authorities.

The dramatic, four-minute video drew criticism from health experts across the country after the sheriff’s department released it Thursday, questioning the deputy’s severe reaction and accusing Sheriff Bill Gore of fueling public misunderstanding. The department has not responded to a request for comment from the AP. More

Are the “critics” claiming the deputy faked his reaction to fentanyl? -Dr. Tar

6 Comments on Drug Experts Find Fault With Bodycam Video Of Officer Collapsing After Exposure To Fentanyl

  1. These shithead “experts” are downplaying the dangers of fentanyl.
    They are the same “experts” that are downplaying the potential and completely unknown long term effects of the new mRNA vaccines on younger people.
    – They cannot be trusted.

  2. Wasn’t fentanyl what George Floyd ingested? If just breathing that shit does that to you, then no doubt he overdosed.
    That’s probably the true reason they’re downplaying it, of course they want to kill all of us as well, especially anyone they think won’t comply.


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