Drug prices are set to increase at the start of 2023 – IOTW Report

Drug prices are set to increase at the start of 2023

JTN: The prices of 350 drugs are set to be raised by drugmakers at the start of 2023. 

Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Bristol Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca PLC, and Sanofi SA are some of the many drugmakers planning to raise the prices of drugs, according to a Reuters report

The healthcare research firm 3 Axis Advisors reports that one of the reasons for this is high inflation. 

Other factors include supply chain issues and the Inflation Reduction Act, the Washington Examiner reports. The so-called Inflation Reduction Act allows Medicare to negotiate certain drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies, in an attempt to keep prices down, but that doesn’t start until 2026.  MORE

10 Comments on Drug prices are set to increase at the start of 2023

  1. As if they haven’t made enough from the covid crap…

    Never too much power for the ‘all-powerful’ human trash. God will show them in the end, but we have to put up with the idiots until then.


  2. Won’t matter to me as I plan to win the lotto this week.

    Wait, I have to buy a ticket?

    Crap, that’s gonna make it harder.

    Guess it’s back to the loading bench for my therapy.

  3. Chumlee JANUARY 3, 2023 AT 1:44 PM

    Not a blond but,

    Husband notices the wife dressed in a brand new designer outfit and shoes to match as she gets ready to “go out with her friends.” Asks her where the money for the outfit came from and she says, I won it in the lotto, don’t bother me.
    Next morning at the breakfast table he notices a large diamond ring and bracelet to match that she’s wearing and again asks where the money come from for them. She says, I won the money in the lotto, go draw me a bath. Which he does…
    The following week there’s a brand new sports car in the drive way and he asks where that came from which gets the same answer. He again draws the bath.
    From the bathroom she yells, “Do you call this drawing a bath? There’s only an inch of water in the tub.” To which he replies, I didn’t want to get your lottery ticket wet.


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