‘Drumbeat Is Growing’: CNN Panel Warns Longer Harris, Walz Duck Interviews, ‘The More Scared They Look’ – IOTW Report

‘Drumbeat Is Growing’: CNN Panel Warns Longer Harris, Walz Duck Interviews, ‘The More Scared They Look’

Daily Caller:
A CNN panel warned on Thursday that the longer Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, avoid interviews, the more frightened they appear.

Harris has not done any interviews since launching her campaign after President Joe Biden withdrew and endorsed her on July 21, and neither has Walz, since his selection as her running mate on Tuesday. CNN’s media correspondent Hadas Gold and political commentator S.E. Cupp, on “CNN News Central,” said their strategy will only receive more scrutiny and backlash as time passes. more here

18 Comments on ‘Drumbeat Is Growing’: CNN Panel Warns Longer Harris, Walz Duck Interviews, ‘The More Scared They Look’

  1. This team is a stalking horse, designed as a placeholder until the convention where they will be dumped in favor of a candidate who the Dems believe can beat Trump.

  2. @ Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite FRIDAY, 9 AUGUST 2024, 2:43 AT 2:43 AM

    God only knows what they were thinking when they added this idiot to Harris’ existing liabilities. I suppose that is about as likely as anything anyone else has come up with.

  3. They’re assuming that the fix is in.

    Just as the Retarded Pedophile never had to leave his basement and garnered 81 million (fantasy) votes, these two maggots think the “system” will work again.
    The more they open their yaps, the more they propound their hatred of America and civilization in general, and their total unfitness for office.

    Sadly, they may be right.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. President Trump is a genius for doing a presser yesterday. The press flocked to Mar-a-Lago to cover it. If Harris tries to compete with that she’ll knock herself out before the debate.

  5. Oh, but they’re leading in the polls! (Which are pulled out of their asses to begin with.)

    But watch the polls next week. If they suddenly swing negative, it becomes plausible for the Convention to replace them.

  6. What are Harris and Walz worried about – the corporate media will throw them softball questions anyway. “Is the temperature in here comfortable? How’s your chair? Can I get you any refreshments? On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most evil, is Donald Trump a 9 or a 10? Hey, thanks for coming; this has been extremely illuminating.”

    The last things Harris and Walz want to discuss are their records and their policies.

  7. Trump needs to get ahead of the Big Switcheroo.

    He must start NOW to explain to the American People that the DNC is TOTALLY DISHONEST in representing their “candidates” as capable and worthy of support.

    Shitpants was totes in charge of his superior intellect, governing experience, and leadership skills… UNTIL one day later, he got dumped.

    Kamala is “leading in the polls” and so spectacularly attractive in a POC kinda way…. UNTIL the COnvention, when she will be dumped.

    Trump has to paint the DNC for the DECEITFUL, flim-flam CRIMINALS that they are, including how they’ve WRECKED all the pieces of the Federal Government, from the Depts of State, Defense, Justice, Homeland Security….

    it’s not JUST about the economy. There is NOTHING that they haven’t totally TRASHED, as they bankrupt the country and steal with both fists!!!!!!

  8. Not to mention they all march in lock-step with each other use the same talking points like good little Communists and use nice sounding tables on groups and programs that intend the exact opposite!

  9. they’re hoping to run a ‘rope-a-dope’ strategy for this part of their campaign.
    she is an obamagram. That’s what I call it. hussein did the same thing. just hold back and let the media, via gaslighting, paint lipstick on the pig.
    walz should be charged for stolen valor, a law that he himself signed into being.
    by the time this is over, walz will have left welts on her campaign

  10. Stay out of view, both Kamala and ‘no balls Walz’. This avoids the growing revulsion created by exposure to the vacuous slunt Harris and the ignominous ‘dim Tim’.

    Fake the polls to show them close to Trump, within a couple of points.

    Dump the ballots, prefilled, as last time, add Dominion switching as last time, lighten the number a bit so it isn’t as obscene, blatant and stupid as last time.

    Install no balls Walz and the whore in 24.

    Easy peasy.


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