Drunk or Crazy? Pelosi Says Biden Should Be Added To Mount Rushmore – IOTW Report

Drunk or Crazy? Pelosi Says Biden Should Be Added To Mount Rushmore

If he were added, we would have to rename his section. What would it be called?

45 Comments on Drunk or Crazy? Pelosi Says Biden Should Be Added To Mount Rushmore

  1. She might as well have asked for Buttigeig’s ass to be carved into Mt. Rushmore.

    I guess it takes supreme stupidity and an f-upped brain to stay in government for as long as she has. Remember that these old pukes now running things had their formative years in the drug-addled 1960’s.

  2. That early morning msNBC dual-role Guest/Host Stein dick just made a long lisp of traits needed in a good Veep.
    His number one lister was “Loyalty”
    He said with his integrity on his sleeve.


  3. Suuuuure. Put Pedo’s portrait on Mt Rushmore. On the more crumbly part.
    IIRC from several videos, there were many changes made from the original plans, due to finding what that the mountain was NOT homogeneous granite, but had many weak and crumbly areas.
    So, put Pedo Joe on Mt Rushmore, but on some weak area.
    Oh, and NO government spending. Private donations only.



    Why does Sam Stein, Matt Drudge and Michael Cohen look like they came from the same place?

    Molly Jong, John Walsh and that Kat Timpf do too.

    Ň ß Ĉ

  5. Bwaahhhhhahahahahaahhahaaa

    Read between the lines.
    msNBC / Wash Post and the Deep Derps tried to concoct up a money funneling scheme against Trump.

    Oops. They got a Senator Menendez instead.

    As Seen on msNBC

  6. geoff the aardvark
    SUNDAY, 4 AUGUST 2024, 19:44 AT 7:44 PM
    “Or the world’s largest bj rock formation.”

    That brings back memories! I posed for that too, you know!

  7. Tim Miller lost his Pearls.

    Also, how many Times can one use the word exhuberance in an 8 minute TV segment? On msNBC Sam Steins Ayman Moyamohamdin Guest Host Slot the answer is about a dozen.

    (HINT msNBC: It sounds sort of phony after 6)

  8. There’s better places – Mt. Witless, the Himalyins, Sleepy Hollow, the Sapalachians, the Rocky Horror mountains, Snake River Valley, the Poke A Nose, White Loathing Sands New Mexico, the Sierra Madre Fuggers in Mexico, Machu Pinchu, Lake Tittiecaca….

  9. I wonder if she has any update on the war between Oceana and East Asia

    Never acknowledge failure, and speaking of missing the reality bus, I see the Brits are treating those citizens who object to being murdered, like they are Irish or like Thomas Gage treated Boston. Arrogance is always the Plan.

  10. I heard that Schumer proposed a rider to Pelosi’s bill which would bar former Presidents convicted of falsifying business records and fraudulent overstatement of assets from having their likeness carved into Mt Rushmore.


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