Duct Tape Would Have Worked Better – IOTW Report

Duct Tape Would Have Worked Better

How about a tranquilizer dart?

I’m seeing a lot of outrage, but no talk on how to deal with uncontrollable kids in schools with “ADHD.”

Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 7.57.41 AMClick for video ^


25 Comments on Duct Tape Would Have Worked Better

  1. “spare the rod and spoil the child”!

    this is the result of children growing up with poor parental supervision.

    no homework from school, no chores after school, no hobbies or activities that build strong bodies and nurture awareness of the outdoors. nothing but 24 hour tv watching. being bombarded with the most dysfunctional entertainment imagined.

    what did you expect?

    the adults have lost control.

  2. To be a tad more precise, the adults have surrendered control. It’s on them (with the exception when the child actually *does* have a medical problem).

  3. As someone who was supposedly diagnosed with ADD back in the mid 60’s I think the biggest problem is they won’t let boys be boys so they have to drug them in order to control them. An imagination is a terrible thing to waste, let them be kids and give them all sorts of things to do to blow off that excess energy like recess without a lot of meddling by adults who want to coddle kids and never let them have fun. Progtards are such a bunch of miserable pissants who never had fun as kids and probably were the bully hall monitors. Anyhow, right now everything is right with the world as XM 82’s old time radio station is playing 2 hours (5-7 AM PST) of Stan Freberg (it will repeat later this week). I’m in laughter heaven and as they just said laughter is a terrible thing to waste. Nothing wrong with me that laugh good laugh can’t cure. We all need a good laugh and quit taking everything so seriously at times and this morning is one of those times. Pardon me while I laugh myself silly.

  4. Anyone who went to school in the 1940s through the early 1970s knows that there was no such thing as ADD, ADHD, or any similar malady.

    Why? Fidgety, talkative, disruptive kids got the paddle. Was that a perfect solution? No. Nothing ever is. However, it forced the vast majority of kids to reach down and get some self control and self discipline.

    Then… the drug companies figured out how to subdue kids with psychotropic drugs. And as they say, “The rest is history!”

    And we wonder why sh!t is going to hell…

  5. I kind of like the tranquilizer dart idea.
    If you’ve ever been to or hosted a kids’ birthday party, you know what I mean.
    Irony’s right. A couple of good smacks would cure a lot of these “disorders”.

  6. Honestly, alot of these problems would be solved if kids were being fed properly with good nutrition, I know I suddenly sound like a hippy. But rhe science does support that dyes and things like that make kids horrible! My daughter geys incredibly aggressive when she eats anything with yellow dye in it like kraft singles. Maybe if we treated the cause of the problems rather thab the symptoms teachers wouldn’t have to call the cops.on 3rd graders.

  7. This is inhuman and cruel. The kid wasn’t raging.He’s just an 8 yr old and if a teacher cannot hold his attention or control him, then its the fault of the education system. He was just crying. Why are there police in American schools?A little love and kindness never hurt. Treating an 8 yr old like this will lead to massive problems later. I have 3 kids, my husband died when they were very young and I never resorted to any of this kind of punishment.Heaven knows they could have gone off the rails with no father, but I gave them lots of love.Plus we lived in 3 different countries which was difficult and a big adjustment every time.They are grown up and all have degrees. So I must have done something right.

  8. your duct tape solution reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon that had the idea of duct taping all the kids at corporate daycare. it is reusable as long as it does not get wet.

    I agree with Geoff and Aardvark, go back to what worked in the past with the baby boomer kids and we would all be better of

    As for ” boys will be boys” comment, very true. A coworker in her early 40s told me ” I told my 3 boys unless there is blood I do not want to hear about it” And she lets them fight it out. I wish my sis in law and the neighbor at the lake had the same attitude. Their meddling in some preteen boys squabble made a mountain out of a mole hill. Now neighbors are not speaking to neighbors.

  9. walking in a liberal wonderland, read the youtube comments, they are talking about shooting cops.The officer either raided the classroom or the teacher was forced to surrender by the out of control child and call for backup.

  10. Was at a party once, I like kids, enjoy playing with them. One of the kids decided he liked me so much he was going to take a bite out of my forearm. I had to choke the little bastard off, the bite drew copious amounts of blood. While in the bathroom washing off and disinfecting the wound, the father barged in. I’m sure the fact I am 6’4″ and 250 gave him some pause to his obvious anger. He actually threatened me with the cops, I told him to please call them, that way I wouldn’t be the cause of his problems with the FS folks.
    He finally focused on my arm, the wound, my bloody shirt and the bloody washcloths, mumbled something about ADHD, turned and left. I yelled at his back: “Put a muzzle on the your little vampire.” not my finest retort, satisfying none the less.

  11. This is a direct result of a few things:
    One, keeping kids cooped up inside all day at school,
    Two, digital overload.
    Three, Center of the Universe Syndrome
    Work them so hard they don’t have energy to be little brats.
    Why aren’t the schools mini farms growing healthy food for the School and surrounding community?
    Japanese schools make the children help with grounds-keeping and light maintenance, let’s do that here.
    And bring back the cane.
    Corporal punishment goes a long way in controlling unruly miscreants of all ages.

  12. Don’t want to “cure” the imaginary disorders. The schools get extra swag for the little bastards diagnosed with this pretend bullshit. I knew a guy in his 40s who was still using ADD as an excuse for being a stone fuck-up.

  13. While it wasn’t duct tape, my first grade teacher used masking tape to tape down a fat fidgity kid to his chair. I also got the paddle a few times up until about 4th grade which was around 1976.

  14. That doesn’t exactly look like he was “out of control”. More like “he was an upset eight year old”. Just let him wear himself out. The handcuffs were too much.

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