Dude… – IOTW Report


Pot activists protest in front of White House, without giant blow-up joint.


USAtoday: WASHINGTON — The annual marijuana protest known as 4/20 came early this year.

A few hundred people protesting federal drug policy arrived at the White House on Saturday, imploringPresident Obama to remove marijuana from the list of highly controlled Schedule I drugs.

Their 51-foot inflatable joint, however, didn’t make the trip down Pennsylvania Avenue. The Secret Service allowed the protest, but not the inflatable, after a number of recent incidents involving people flying drones and throwing objects over the White House fence.

“We’re late. We got distracted by a standoff over an inflatable joint,” the protest’s organizer, Adam Eidinger, announced


7 Comments on Dude…

  1. it looks like they forgot to invite barry to their potfest. Can’t you just see him down there with all those stoners. “Far out man, I need another hit of that weed.” “Michelle, you forgot to bring the Doritoes.” Whoopie, we’re all gonna die! Gimme a P,gimme an O, gimme a T, What’s that spell, POT! What a bunch of dumbasses..

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