Dude admits he is Transgender simply for attention and ego boosting – IOTW Report

Dude admits he is Transgender simply for attention and ego boosting

Gender “Euphoria” = Toxic Narcissism with a Pinch of Delusion

31 Comments on Dude admits he is Transgender simply for attention and ego boosting

  1. To many “participation” awards. To many proud of doing nothing. Then when they don’t have any money for a big TV, Education, and can’t get a job, it has to be somebody else’s fault.
    May as well throw in a dozen face piercings and a neck tattoo.

  2. Another big lie: Turning gender dysphoria into gender euphoria. Sorry, you’re only fooling yourself. Those suicidal thoughts won’t go away despite it.

  3. The mustache gives him away as a guy and not a chick. Sorry boy, chicks with dicks just don’t cut it.
    You’re going to need a chopadickoffofme in order to become a fake chick and fake boobs as well and your genetics of XY will always make you a guy and a very strange one at that. It’s too bad they’re aren’t many circus freak shows left for this thing to be the star attraction of.

  4. He’s merely what we used to just call a flamer.

    He’s a skinny little effeminate runt who could never get attention as a good-looking man, so he goes with this.

    Not dissimilar to homely women who dress in something odd, habitual or attention-getting (e.g. always with a crazy hat, or these days embracing some other goofy “unique” style) because they can’t compete being normal.

    It’s sad. I think social media has exacerbated it. All these mediocre people carrying on trying to be something special.

  5. I ignore strange people that dress strangely if at all possible.

    I do appreciate them advertising their mental illness up front, though.

    Saves a lot of time.

    One thing libs have in common is assuming what other people think and come at you like you’re already playing their game and know what’s going on with them.

    The boyfriend of my girlfriend’s youngest daughter once plopped himself down at the patio table my good friend (married to my GF’s oldest daughter) and I were sitting at.

    Then blurted out: “Who would believe I’m sitting with two conservatives? Wow man. Strange day!”

    We just looked at each other and shrugged. ‘You probably do every day and just don’t know it. We sit with and talk to liberals every day. You should expand your circle of friends, and your mind a bit, if it’s strange to talk to normal, sane, responsible people.’

  6. Nobody would look at him and be unsure as to whether he is male or female. Everybody can tell what he is. Dude is obviously a male. A sissy boy, but undoubtedly male.

  7. I’m constantly hearing how anxiety-ridden this current generation of young adults is. Anxiety, fear, dissatisfaction, etc. We used to call someone who is so into themselves they barely acknowledge that anyone else occupies the planet, “navel gazers.” Neurotic narcissists, all. They refuse to believe in Jesus Christ as they search “inside themselves” for an answer to life’s most basic questions. Wouldn’t you think that if your perceived problems are so overwhelming, you’d stop to think you’re not going to find any answers from the person who is so messed up they think calling themselves a girl (when they’re a guy) is a step in the right direction?


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