Dude, But What If We Were Already In A Black Hole? – IOTW Report

Dude, But What If We Were Already In A Black Hole?

It was about 600 years ago that experts argued over whether we lived in a geocentric (earth centered) or heliocentric (sun centered) system and Galileo stood trial for embarrassing the pope (verdict, Galileo wasn’t as smart as he thought he was).

But what if they and we had it completely wrong and our universe is actually spinning around in a black hole in the middle of space? That’s what some theoretical astrophysicists have proposed.

astrophysicist Matt O’Dowd is here to talk about black holes and whites until you can’t tell your event horizon from your singularity to propose that perhaps we’ve been looking at things all wrong. Watch

24 Comments on Dude, But What If We Were Already In A Black Hole?

  1. Off topic but the ads on this site are rendering it unusable.
    I have to clear my tabs and data constantly. If it’s because of my ad blocker there’s no sense coming to this site. It only happens here.

  2. We’re in a hole alright, a deep dark hole that we don’t know how to dig out of. We’re where we’re at because we’ve turned out back on God as a nation. All I can do is pray that it ends swiftly. Let those who are righteous remain righteous, those who choose to go the other way, it’s on you. I’m seeing far too much insanity going on in my own hood that I haven’t seen before. People are ready to ignite, and they’re Karens on steroids.

  3. Things in my small universe are going swimmingly. Hope yours is too. As for many others, and you know who they are, I hope their universe is swirling in the bowl, headed for the septic tank.


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