Dude Identifies as a Woman – Eyeing LPGA Tour – IOTW Report

Dude Identifies as a Woman – Eyeing LPGA Tour

When you say you “identify” as a woman, that should be the first clue that you are NOT A WOMAN.

He is getting “reassignment” surgery.

If a doctor has to carve you up, that is another clue that you are NOT A WOMAN.

You are a *woman.

Here’s the math –

*woman ≠ woman

31 Comments on Dude Identifies as a Woman – Eyeing LPGA Tour

  1. Kinda porky just like Chaz Bono kid who was just as screwed up in the head. These people are freaks and not the natural kind, the self-imposed kind. I would really like to know how they arrived at thinking they’re something they’re not. Born a female will always be a female, and vice versa. Mothers instinctively know when their kid ain’t right.

  2. I blame hippos.
    What could ever be attracted to that?
    They say there’s someone for everyone, but I ain’t seeing it.
    (and I’m not just referring to appearance)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What’s wrong with his mouth?
    Looks like he’s sucking lemons or trying to do the old duckface thing.
    The only way this will fail is if the real women refuse to play with him.

  4. This is what happens when the Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage’s are perfectly fine, 🤔 all it did was open a can of worms for the mentally ill to push their sick agenda. 🤬

  5. That IS NOT a chick with a dick!!
    It’s a dude with books.

    So most profound question to be ask is when does he become a she?
    The answer is NEVER the most he can ever be is a MTF Tranny female.
    Downstairs surgery or not he will always be a MTF Tranny female never a female.
    Liberals need to stop denying the science

  6. From his Bio at CNU
    “At Wilmington University – Played freshman year under coach Hap Jennings…Ranked 408 out of the nation. [Wilmington university is DII so there are 292 Division 1 colleges that offer men’s golf, most being large public universities. The average team size is 10 golfers. It’s safe to assume at least 3/4 of them are better than DII players.]

    Personal – James Scott Davidson was born on December 3, 1992 in Irvine, Scotland…He is the son of Hamesh and Sandra Davidson…Has one sister Emma (26)…Undecided Major…He hopes to play professional golf one day.”

    So finding he was woefully bad at the college level – ranking about about 2,598th and would never reach the elite level to be one of the 245 men on the PGA tour, he joined the 530 women on the LPGA tour and qualified first time out. Makes perfect sense and I am sure his ability has nothing to do with his previous maleness since it’s the woman’s hormones make you week? Right? Like kryptonite or something.

  7. Just add a new category for LGTBQ-PGA, they can share all the money the coverage receives. My guess would be none.
    Just imagine the LGBTQ – Lingerie Bowl……..
    Sorry, eye beach needed.

  8. there was a time when I played a lot of golf. and was pretty good. If I could play from the women’s tees I could shoot 67-68 on my home course.
    How do I know?
    Because we did it from time to time, just to see.
    And I’m not a long hitter.
    The longer hitting guys could shoot 65, and we were 4 handicap guys.

    This is criminal.
    The guy will be stealing money.

  9. Why not start up a new, mixed alphabet TPGA just for trannies? It could have trans women with the fake boobies and trans men with the fake weenies. And they could play against each other until someone makes the ground breaking observation that the ones who were male at birth are physically stronger than the ones who were female at birth and it might just settle the whole freaking controversy.

  10. It’s past time that women need to stand up for themselves. Like Blacks, women have been used by progressive politicians for decades. Each time they manage to improve their lot in life, the progressives change the rules to screw them over, then tell them that only progressives can help them.

    All women, (and girls) need to start walking off the field/track/course/court the minute one of these freaks walks on. Refuse to play by “their rules” and demand a balanced playing field. The freaks want participation trophies and to be recognized as winners, even when, in their hearts, they know that they’re actually losers. What’s next; able bodied men “identifying” as handicapped so they can compete in the Special Olympics? This has to end.

  11. Anonymous May 19, 2021 at 11:42 am

    He’s not too “wild and exotic” for Hunter Biden to bone him.

    Give Humper enough crack and he doesn’t care what he screws.

  12. Cultural (race) appropriation – Bad, Bad, Bad..
    Sexual appropriation – Great!

    And yet both can be distinguished at the genetic level. ‘splain that to me. Use small words please.


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