Dumb Dumb Canadian PM sets up “war room” to monitor not jihad terrorists, but Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Dumb Dumb Canadian PM sets up “war room” to monitor not jihad terrorists, but Donald Trump


Jihad Watch-

President Donald Trump has so unnerved Justin Trudeau that the Canadian prime minister has set-up a “war room” within his office to monitor what Liberal government insiders are calling “the unpredictable U.S. president” and to respond at a moment’s notice.

The team is led by long-time Liberal advisor Brian Clow, formerly chief of staff to foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland, and is designed to provide advice and quick responses to Trump’s trade policy, especially with regard to NAFTA.

Greg MacEachern, a senior vice-president at Environics Communications and former Liberal staffer told The Hill Times, “There’s not been a unit like this set up within the PMO to the best of my knowledge,” said MacEachern. “Obviously, the prime minister wants to be keeping a very close eye on this. … It’s an unprecedented situation in the U.S. we’re watching.”


ht/ rob e.

22 Comments on Dumb Dumb Canadian PM sets up “war room” to monitor not jihad terrorists, but Donald Trump

  1. yep, trump is the threat of the 21st century

    not failed leftist globalism, not islamic terror, not broken borders, not dead economies, not angry, violent progressives

    trump, the fixer, is the threat

  2. I can see having someone keep a close eye on things vis a vis the trade negotiations but I just don’t know what’s gone wrong with my country in general. I’m considering cutting off some of my family just because they are like attack dogs if you make the mistake of correcting some shit rumour on Trump they’re spreading on facebook. They hate him with a passion I haven’t seen since they had their kids and won’t listen to any kind of logic. I know you should never talk politics but I can’t help but correct them on some especially egregious example of fakenews. I can only hope the Conservative Party elects a real leader with charisma and smarts because my people sure aren’t electing leaders on talent, skill or intelligence. Sorry folks, just blowing off steam.

  3. Dam right fidel trudeau should be concerned. I recall Trump campaigning on building the wall because they are sending their blue haired retirees here with their under-valued currency.

    He better stock his war room with more smores and “call of duty” games cuz Trump is coming.

  4. The only thing that got him elected was his last name and his curls by the 18 -35 year old demographic and some old hippies who still think Trudeau 1.0 was the best thing since sliced bread. His defenders are vicious on Facebook. They delete my comments. Best just to react with a ‘laugh’ emoji on their Fbook posts. They can’t delete that without deleting their whole post. 🙂

  5. @Bad_Brad; Thanks it just spring loads me to the pissed off position. They’re not stupid but it comes to Trump they’ve swallowed every lie, every exaggeration, each fake news-story and it doesn’t matter what I say. I’m the only one that sees that Trump was far better then Clinton and that Trump may be the best thing to hit DC since Reagan, JFK or even Lincoln. Time for a cocktail. Thanks again, maybe the worm will turn here on the next election.

  6. scr_north FEBRUARY 7, 2017 AT 11:59 PM… I’m considering cutting off some of my family ”
    I have it in my will that none of my money is to be spent in mexifornia.I encourage everyone to do the same. Eff’em from the other side.

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