Dumb, Liar or Both? You tell me – IOTW Report

Dumb, Liar or Both? You tell me

Sleepy Joe Biden telling reporters that he & Obama found that when asylum seekers, are given a court date, they show up. – @michaelbeatty3

22 Comments on Dumb, Liar or Both? You tell me

  1. Let’s re-phrase Joe’s comment to say “Joe tells reporters what he’s been told to say” because he’s as much an idiot as Obama was when he went off the teleprompter script.

  2. Joe is old school. He, like Bill Clinton come from an age that if you really believe the lie, at the time you tell it, it’s not a lie.

    If I had ninja skills I’d take that clip, read the stats of how people don’t show up and then play it again slow and conclude this man is either senile or is lying to you.

  3. He is stupid and brain damaged but that doesn’t matter. He can make up stories and lie through his teeth and the media and the Trump haters will never fact check him unless they are very very pressed OR Joe falls out of favor. His whole career from his plagiarism, dead wife, Kathy’s restaurant etc. etc. to the present has been one big lie yet he keeps getting a free pass which emboldens him even more. My favorite cartoon from the 2004 presidential election cycle when he was running with Obama


  4. The Democrats are pushing him because he’s got maximum name recognition – and he’s not Trump.

    He certainly isn’t. Hehe. If he were like Trump, we might have to call Houston.

  5. He’s not stupid.
    He’s not startlingly smart, or even much above average, but not stupid by a long shot.

    He IS a liar.
    He’s just not a very good one.

    The people who drool and blow snot-bubbles when he speaks and think he’s some kind of genius – rank and file voters – and the power-brokers who got him elected in Delaware – are the intellectual extremes. He’s a low-grade crooked politician who made money for himself and his handlers over a period of 40 years (since ’73), or so.

    A “stand up” guy who does what he’s told when he’s told to do it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The millionaire born “with a silver spoon in his mouth” has been telling us he is “middle class” for decqdes. he knows the MSM will never call him on any of his lies!


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