Dumb People In St. Louis Keep Getting Gored Because They Take SELFIES WITH ELK – IOTW Report

Dumb People In St. Louis Keep Getting Gored Because They Take SELFIES WITH ELK

DC: Charging elk have gored two women in the last two weeks in St. Louis County, Missouri because the women have tried to get really close to the elk to take selfies.

The scene of the carnage has been Lone Elk Park, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Approaching the herd of elk living inside the 546-acre wildlife management area is an exceptionally dangerous move right now because it’s the middle of mating season (August to December). Male elk are extremely aggressive during this time.

Park managers have posted signs warning people not to approach the elk. Specifically, the signs say: “Absolutely do not approach the elk!”



17 Comments on Dumb People In St. Louis Keep Getting Gored Because They Take SELFIES WITH ELK

  1. “Absolutely do not approach the elk!”

    Or. . for the brain dead, “Absolutely approach the elk!”

    In Yosemite, there are more deaths from deer than bears. No one is stupid enough to approach a bear but plenty of people think no harm will come from that cute deer. . until, thunk! Dead.

  2. We don’t have elk here, but there’s a state park with a sign that reads “Do Not Molest the Alligators”. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m thinking not even Weinstein would try that.

  3. What is wrong with taking a photograph of a magnificent wild animal from a distance without one’s stupid self in it?! Too boring? Too old fashioned? They deserve what they got. Geez!

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