Dumb Take-> Keeping Children in the Wrong Body is the Real Mutilation – IOTW Report

Dumb Take-> Keeping Children in the Wrong Body is the Real Mutilation

5 Comments on Dumb Take-> Keeping Children in the Wrong Body is the Real Mutilation

  1. Sickin’ faggots. I want to smash “it’s” head with a baseball bat.There will come a time when this $hit will have to be put down hard……

  2. Interesting how he refers to “your actual gender” at least twice.

    But aren’t we told gender is merely a construct and “fluid” and there’s an innumerable amount of genders?

    Just more Dogmatic Subjectivism from the Authoritarian-Left. They drag you into the realm of subjectivism and relativity and then bind you to their authority and dogma which, of course, cannot be questioned.

  3. This is a man pretending to be a woman trying to justify his life choices and encouraging others to do the same while failing miserably.


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