Dump Boehner! – IOTW Report

Dump Boehner!

Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 12.09.38 AM

click Boehner in the face

ht/ rob e


14 Comments on Dump Boehner!

  1. Excuse me Mr. Boner but I don’t think you’ve done a damned thing for us except to stab us in the back, time and time again. Go away and don’t come back. Even Tom Foley was a better speaker than you and that’s only because he was my Congressman since I lived in his district in Eastern Washington. And that’s not saying much.

  2. Timing might be good for this vote with the huge popularity of Trump. If DC is listening, they know what to do to represent the People. My representative will unfortunately vote for Pelosi. I live in a Dem rubber-stamp-Obama state (CT).

  3. Unfortunately, my Congressional Rep is a RINO through and through. Thankfully, he’s leaving after 1 term…the jerk thinks he can get Rubio’s seat…ha!

  4. It would be interesting to see if the GOP Congress can grow a pair in time. I suspect if enough vote against him he’d have to go rather then try to run the place with a split House. If his ego makes him stay then pile as much money to the Democrat candidate running against him in his district to get him bounced although the Dems may choose not to run a candidate as Boehner has been such an asset to them.

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