Durham issues trial subpoenas to Clinton campaign, DNC – IOTW Report

Durham issues trial subpoenas to Clinton campaign, DNC

Wa Examiner-

Special counsel John Durham issued trial subpoenas for members of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee as he pushed his theory of a “joint venture” in the case against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann, who represented the Clinton campaign, and Rodney Joffe.

Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and the Perkins Coie law firm are fighting Durham’s efforts to compel the submission of withheld documents, arguing their claims of attorney-client privilege should keep the records concealed. However, Durham is continuing his legal pressure as he insists those groups played a coordinated role in pushing false Trump-Russia collusion claims.

Fusion “was not primarily providing or supporting expertise relating to legal advice; instead, it appears that the investigative firm’s primary, if not sole, function was to generate opposition research materials that the firm then shared widely,” Durham said this month.

“Meeting to agree on the express goal of a joint venture is precisely what happened here, on more than one occasion,” the special counsel said early Saturday morning.

“Tech Executive-1” Rodney Joffe, “Originator-1” April Lorenzen of the information services firm Zetalytics, and other researchers began to discuss “searching for and collecting derogatory internet data about the online activities of Donald Trump and his associates“ in June 2016, Durham said, adding Lorenzen “assembled and shared initial purported data” with Joffe, “who, in turn, shared the data“ with Sussmann.

“The joint venture continued and crystallized early in August 2016,” when Sussmann, Joffe, and “agents of the Clinton Campaign” met, Durham said, pointing to an Aug. 12, 2016, meeting where Sussmann, Joffe, Elias, and the co-founder of Fusion met in Elias’s office to discuss “the same Russian Bank-1 allegations that the defendant would later bring to the FBI.” read more h/t Brad

8 Comments on Durham issues trial subpoenas to Clinton campaign, DNC

  1. With him all success, but Clinton already exhibits knowledge of how to destroy records.

    My facination with this slow motion train wreck is countered by being a passenger on the train.

  2. ..notice no subpoena for Lady Macbeth herself.

    And there won’t be.

    This is all just distraction and dragging things out and trying to make you think “Da pRoCeSs” will actually do something about the massive fraud and deliberate destruction of Donald Trump’s Presidency don’t head for the streets with torches and pitchforks before they get a chance to well and truly disarm you, “For Your Safety”, of course. Do not forget that they tried to get MTG, a member of Congress, to renounce the Constitution and the Founding Fathers and every reference to them in an open hearing under oath, basically criminalizing any positive reference to the Founders and what they did to throw off tyranny.

    If they’ll do that to HER, what do you think they have planned for US?

    …so, as always, nothing has ACTUALLY happened, nor will it, nor is there any REAL possiblity that it will. Durham is the magician’ hand, nothing more, drawing your attention to the low-cut outfit his assitant is wearing with a wave while he pulls a rabbit out of his pants and stuffs it in the Hat of Delay so he can pull it out yet again and use your wonderment to prevent any actual election reform or well-deserved hangings from happening until the NEXT election they steal, and the next, and the next…

  3. Tards (lying tards, at that) playing jacks.

    But I will proudly kill my grandchildren. According to the score. Cuz Jebus said so.

    You want an arm? Maybe a leg? How’s about a head?

  4. @HPA,

    That’s an astute observation. It’s just amazing how quickly a Republican pushing a sane agenda can get dragged into court over utter bullshit, but a vile, criminal cunt like Hillary just gets away with it every fucking time. The DoJ bureaucracy is filled with democrat stasi and republican pussies. It’s as simple as that. They only go after small fry and patriots.


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