Durham Reveals How Clinton Campaign Spied on Trump’s White House AFTER He Became President – IOTW Report

Durham Reveals How Clinton Campaign Spied on Trump’s White House AFTER He Became President

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov breaks it down.

19 Comments on Durham Reveals How Clinton Campaign Spied on Trump’s White House AFTER He Became President

  1. The lack of apparent interest by the liberals reminds me of when I would show one of my kids some mess they made and standing in front of it they would look all around the room and act like they didn’t see it. It’s the same with the liberal fake news they’re guilty and they know it. Or maybe since none of them can act independently of whoever is leading them they’re waiting on the new message.but their silence speaks volumes to the effect of a guilty conscience and the fact that they knew what part they played.

  2. I make more then $12,000,000 a month online. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I only work about 11 to 12 hours a year from home. I was amazed how easy it was after I tried it…

    See, if you can get your hands on State Secrets (helps if you’re Secretary of State) you sell passwords to foreign nationals to access a remote special server! Some pay enormous amounts at one time – others pay by the month!
    It’s great work if you can get it!

    Go to – imasucker.com!

  3. Not me,

    Spot on…you have hit the jackpot. They are all children and they react like children to any stressor that confronts them.

    Just look at Anymouse, always shouting “but Orange man did it”.

    Just like every child when
    caught…”but Donny did it also mommy.”

    Their infantile defense mechanisms indicate a central flaw in their character development. The inability to accept responsibility

    Personal responsibility is an anathema to them since its an active component of adulting.

    They would rather just ignore the stressor, put their fingers in their collective ears, shut their collective eyes and shout nah, nah, I can’t hear you.

    That’s exactly what our “media” is doing. Trust me, they are in a full blown panic hoping to dismiss, deny, deflect, and diminish like all children do when caught.

    Anymouse cowers and hides when he knows the jig is up. Just like the Pedo.

    Hide in your basement Anymouse. Your Lizard Queen is coming apart at the seams. Google her latest photo when she is confronted by a journalist outside Chelsea’s million dollar pad.

    You can see her hand up defensively and the unmitigated panic in her eyes. It’s just so delicious.

  4. This DID happen and nothing will be done of consequence to the perps.

    The REAL question is, since this is a golden opportunity for REPUBLICANS (remember, the conservatives, the so-called opposition party) to make hay !! This should make someone famous, heroic, a notable statesman!

    Where the fuck are they? Oh yeah, Liz Cheney must be hosting a Tupperware party.

  5. Cisco Kid FEBRUARY 16, 2022 AT 12:36 PM

    “Just look at Anymouse, always shouting “but Orange man did it”.”

    …uhh, do you mean “anonymous”?

    “Anymouse” is a regular here, uses an avitar and everything, and isn’t usually on the “Orange Man Did It” side of things, and also isn’t on this thread.

    …just curious. THAT Anymouse guy seems like a pretty good guy…


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