Durham Was Part of The Coverup – IOTW Report

Durham Was Part of The Coverup

Conservative Treehouse

Bill Barr was the Bondo application and John Durham was the spray paint.

The entire system is corrupt. More

18 Comments on Durham Was Part of The Coverup

  1. Dr. Tar
    “naivety about the Deep State.”
    + All of Congress.
    I believe it’s all one big sh!t show.
    There are a few playing the conservative roll, but none of the have actually put much of anything into actual action.

  2. Mueller, Barr, Durham and many, many more got their golden parachute and excellent benefits thanks to US Citizens.
    They broke the law, trust and their solemn Oath.
    Not one will be prosecuted.
    They’ll be screwing us until they die.

  3. hard to believe – 2 Bush
    Republicans are crooks?

    y attemptat humor.

    LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU Sanctuary State” Kemp! I know Jeb said when an illegal rapes a 3 yer old its AN ACT OF LOVE! But he said that 18 years ago! Bush Republicans still pushing CRIMINAL ALIENS ARE SAINTS!?%$^&*!?!@


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