Durham’s “Inquiry” Upgraded to “Criminal” – IOTW Report

Durham’s “Inquiry” Upgraded to “Criminal”

Washington Examiner

U.S. Attorney John Durham opened a criminal inquiry in his investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation and into the conduct of the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community during their scrutiny of possible connections between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

The significant new move in the DOJ’s investigation of the investigators, which would give Durham the power to impanel a grand jury and hand down indictments, according to the New York Times. More

15 Comments on Durham’s “Inquiry” Upgraded to “Criminal”

  1. I wonder if any of the politically powerful involved will be charged with anything or if only their insignificant underlings will face investigation and potential prosecution.

    Or if anything will come of it at all, other than some lip service.

  2. Anything they find will be called “rule-breaking” or “wrong-doing”. If there is a crime it will be dismissed on the grounds of “no evidence that it was systematic or intentional” even though those preconditions are not part of the law. If you or I get a speeding ticket, the officer doesn’t have to prove your speeding is systematic and intentional. And it is called breaking the law not wrong doing.

  3. Most of the guys oozing with the hard demeanor and seriously gravitas look turn out to be pussies on the take.
    Hope this guy is different.

    The fact that he’s been used by both sides should give one pause.

    There are very few men of principle in DC and any who are advertised as such should make the “spidey sense” tingle – most of what emanates from DC is “bullshit, more shit, and horse shit.”

    At any rate, don’t bet the farm on any convictions (though I have been wrong).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @joe6pak October 25, 2019 at 9:40 am

    > Don’t you think John Durham looks like The Punisher in some of his pictures?

    Wake me when someone going through The Party list looks like The Joker.


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