During the primaries Sanders “asks” for money – IOTW Report

During the primaries Sanders “asks” for money

If he wins, this will be more like it –>

13 Comments on During the primaries Sanders “asks” for money

  1. Gotta give the old codger credit for sticking out the sham for this long. He made a pretty good living being an “out in the open charlatan snake oil salesman”. One step ahead of the law all the way.

  2. Socialism relies on coercion, deceit, murder, and terror because rational people rebel at enslavement.
    Mostly, because of fear, they rebel in the little ways: alcoholism, laziness, quiet revulsion, sullenness, narcotics, &c.
    Eventually, as the “leaders” become more and more brazenly corrupt, the machinery grinds to a halt – even the pretense of belief is lost.

    A religion without believers is a chimera.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Scuse me – but how is this any different than Income “Tax?”

    “Give me your money or go to prison” isn’t much less threatening than “Give me your money or I’ll kill you.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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