I’d ask how stupid do you have to be to believe his garbage but I already know the answer.
Gotta give the old codger credit for sticking out the sham for this long. He made a pretty good living being an “out in the open charlatan snake oil salesman”. One step ahead of the law all the way.
Socialism relies on coercion, deceit, murder, and terror because rational people rebel at enslavement.
Mostly, because of fear, they rebel in the little ways: alcoholism, laziness, quiet revulsion, sullenness, narcotics, &c.
Eventually, as the “leaders” become more and more brazenly corrupt, the machinery grinds to a halt – even the pretense of belief is lost.
A religion without believers is a chimera.
izlamo delenda est …
…and they call Trump supporters a cult???
First they ask and then they take!
If he asks for your guns, be certain to give him the bullets first.
Bernie should be one step ahead of the hangman with the hangman closing fast on him. Maybe we could name him Haman and use the gallows built for the destruction of the American people on him. Who knows, maybe President Trump was made for such a time as this.
“Free shit begins with YOU”
Scuse me – but how is this any different than Income “Tax?”
“Give me your money or go to prison” isn’t much less threatening than “Give me your money or I’ll kill you.”
A crazy man with a gun can take your life, but a crazy man with the power of the government can take everything else.
Yeah I was watching some YT video yesterday and he came on at the start yuk–but his voice is always amusing
The Bernie Bros have no clue as to what the are selling, and the evil that they will unleash.
I’d ask how stupid do you have to be to believe his garbage but I already know the answer.
Gotta give the old codger credit for sticking out the sham for this long. He made a pretty good living being an “out in the open charlatan snake oil salesman”. One step ahead of the law all the way.
Socialism relies on coercion, deceit, murder, and terror because rational people rebel at enslavement.
Mostly, because of fear, they rebel in the little ways: alcoholism, laziness, quiet revulsion, sullenness, narcotics, &c.
Eventually, as the “leaders” become more and more brazenly corrupt, the machinery grinds to a halt – even the pretense of belief is lost.
A religion without believers is a chimera.
izlamo delenda est …
…and they call Trump supporters a cult???
First they ask and then they take!
If he asks for your guns, be certain to give him the bullets first.
Bernie should be one step ahead of the hangman with the hangman closing fast on him. Maybe we could name him Haman and use the gallows built for the destruction of the American people on him. Who knows, maybe President Trump was made for such a time as this.
“Free shit begins with YOU”
Scuse me – but how is this any different than Income “Tax?”
“Give me your money or go to prison” isn’t much less threatening than “Give me your money or I’ll kill you.”
izlamo delenda est …