Dutch Farmers Protest Government’s Green Plan to Put Them Out of Business – IOTW Report

Dutch Farmers Protest Government’s Green Plan to Put Them Out of Business


The politicians in Dutch government recently passed sweeping new climate regulations that will result in more than a third of farmers losing their business. The government announced a €25 billion plan to radically reduce the number of livestock in the country in order to curtail emissions.

As the Guardian reports, “A deal to buy out farmers to try to reduce levels of nitrogen pollution in the country had been mooted for some time,and was finally confirmed after the agreement of a new coalition government in the Netherlands earlier this week.” The plan is to reduce farming in the Netherlands, by a “one-third reduction in the numbers of pigs, cows and chickens in the country.”  However, the farmers are fighting back. More

11 Comments on Dutch Farmers Protest Government’s Green Plan to Put Them Out of Business

  1. This is coordinated theft. Using OMG Globull Warming!!! they force farmers to shut down their farms. Then they foreclose on the properties since the farmers can’t afford the loan payments. And this will happen everywhere unless it is stopped with force.

  2. some on the ground video

    and on the home front – CA is phucked
    “In addition to the direct impact on California’s 70,000 owner-operators who have seven days to cease long-standing independent businesses, the impact of taking tens of thousands of truck drivers off the road will have devastating repercussions on an already fragile supply chain, increasing costs and worsening runaway inflation.”

  3. It’s obvious the WEF cabal and its “Great Reset” power grab is behind, and all over this, using the Ho-Hum “Slimate Change” scam as the phony driver.

    Watch for the next Stalin-style Holodomor 2.0.

  4. This is the next step in mass starvation. Governments worldwide want millions of us dead by putting lots of farmers out of business. Fewer farmers, less food.

    I don’t see anything else that explains it.

  5. the farmers are fighting back

    Really? Fighting? What’s the minimum/maximum range they’re negotiating, of ministers’ households, that must be publicly executed? Before they’ll surrender? Again?

    Allowing those that attack you, to walk away, and reload, because Saint Greta thanks you for your service, is not a “fight”.

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