Duterte: Justin Trudeau’s ‘Bullsh*t’ Human Rights Comments ‘A Personal Insult’ – IOTW Report

Duterte: Justin Trudeau’s ‘Bullsh*t’ Human Rights Comments ‘A Personal Insult’

Breitbart: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte branded human rights criticisms levied at his administration by leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a “personal insult” on Tuesday, dismissing Trudeau’s concern as “bullsh!t” and refuting the prime minister’s claim that Duterte was “receptive” to his comments.

“[I]t is a personal and official insult. That is why you hear me chewing down curses, epithets, nagmumura (cursing), bullsh!t and everything because it angers me when you are a foreigner you do not know what is happening in this country,” Duterte told reporters on Tuesday, according to the Philippine Star.

“I was elected by the people of the Republic of the Philippines. I only answer to the people of the Republic of the Philippines,” he added, complaining that foreign critics “don’t even investigate” the situation in the Philippines before condemning him.

“I will never ever allow a foreigner to question me … I will not explain,” he emphasized.   read more

11 Comments on Duterte: Justin Trudeau’s ‘Bullsh*t’ Human Rights Comments ‘A Personal Insult’

  1. Justin’s insult was supposed to go over the head of Duterte, but that trick only works if the object of your derision isn’t as smart as you. In Justin’s case EVERYONE else on the international stage is smarter than him, so he should probably become a little more humble.
    When Trudeau starts sanctioning Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela for human rights violations, then I’ll be impressed.

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