Dwarfs and Midgets are the Bigger People – IOTW Report

Dwarfs and Midgets are the Bigger People

David Cole, a writer at Taki, draws a comparison between transgenders and little people in terms of their mouthiness.-

…little people have every reason to be pain-in-the-ass complainers. But generally, they tend to be more interested in living their lives than they are in involving us in their lives. The little-person way is the polar opposite of the tranny way. The tranny demands that we alter our vocabulary. The tranny demands that we change our sexual and aesthetic preferences. The tranny demands that we lower our standards for things like military service. The tranny wants to stop us from using words or phrases that are “exclusionary” (I’ve never seen a campaign mounted by little people to stop the rest of us from using terms like “stand tall” or “be the bigger man”). The tranny insists that we rewrite the science books. The tranny even demands that we, the normies, rename ourselves “cisgender” to help them feel less freakish.

As I pointed out several years ago, little people have never demanded that folks of normal height adopt a new descriptive term to define themselves as “not a dwarf.”

Cole spoke with the head of the LPA (The Little People of America) and asked why they haven’t demanded to serve in the military?

Her position? Little people should have every opportunity to serve their country, but not necessarily in combat.

Well, color me impressed. Instead of saying, “You have to change your standards to make me feel accepted,” Ms. Robledo is basically saying, “There are other ways we can serve.” This is the healthy antithesis of the tranny worldview. Indeed, this is a mindset that is very unique among minority groups these days. Normally, the cry is “Lower your physical requirements so we can serve! Lower your academic standards so we can attend! Lower your job requirements so we can be hired! Force yourself to find us attractive so our self-esteem isn’t hurt!” But now here comes a representative of little people saying, “Keep your standards; we’ll work around them if we want to.”

Damn refreshing in this day and age.

If little people, facing so many challenges, can learn to live their lives without becoming a massive pain in the ass to the rest of us, if they can realize that their happiness is not dependent on my vocabulary, or my sexual preference, or my beauty standards, or the requirements of our armed forces, then anyone else can too.

We can learn a big lesson from the little people.



11 Comments on Dwarfs and Midgets are the Bigger People

  1. Little people, dwarfs, midgets, etc… are just that, less than average in height. They are not however, mentally ill lunatics. That explains why they dont act like transjenners and homo pedos.

    I like the approach the homo environmentalist nutjob lawyer from Brooklyn took yesterday when in order to prove his point and show his commitment to his insane causes, he lit himself on fire in a meadow in Prospect Park and killed himself.

    The extremst marxist whackos should follow his lead.

  2. My nephew is a dwarf: A lovely fellow. intelligent, witty, great company. He’s a 16 handicap but told me “me real handicap is me legs are too fooken short, otherwise I’d kick yer ass Uncle Tom.” Loves his pint of Guinness. He lives in Scotland and is planning on visiting me in New York this summer. Looking forward to it.

  3. A retired circus midget who won a multi-million-dollar lottery decided to help his fellow “little people” performers by constructing an apartment building where former circus or show business dwarves and midgets who were down on their luck could live at no cost, for as long as they wanted. Furthermore, all the units would be scaled down to half-size, in order to better fit the needs of the occupants.

    When asked what he wanted to name the place, the midget pondered a moment, then said,

    “I think I’ll call them the ‘Stay Free Mini-Pads’.”


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