Early Voting Outpacing 2014’s Totals in Battleground States – IOTW Report

Early Voting Outpacing 2014’s Totals in Battleground States

What does this mean?

Who does it favor?

ht/ woody

17 Comments on Early Voting Outpacing 2014’s Totals in Battleground States

  1. I smell voter fraud… I hate absentee voting, total B.S. if you can’t make it to the polls, you don’t vote. Who knows who is receiving the absentee ballots and mailing them back, probably a lot of relatives of dead voters. Lower voter turnout is best for patriots because a patriot will get out and vote no matter what.

  2. I thought I saw a graph last week showing that a greater percentage of early voting was of Reps.

    I am not a fan of early voting though. Too much opportunity for cheaters to cheat.

    This election the people on the right who stay home because of RINOs are motivated by our effective President.

  3. It could just be that more and more people are making use of mail-in ballots rather than actually going to the polls. It’s hard to argue with the convenience and I’m actually considering it for the future. The ballot in San Diego for this Tuesday looks like a phone book. It would be so much easier to fill it out at home at my own leisure and either mail it in or drop it off.

  4. I’ll bet this is just typical NBC Fake News. If they get called out on it they’ll make their usual non-apology apology (after the elections).

    One of the best reasons for early voting is so that campaigns can update their rosters of voters for GOTV work. If someone has already voted the campaigns will pass over that household in subsequent weeks and days as they do door-belling and phone calls. Makes sense.

    There will be rampant attempts at vote fraud by the Democrats. Just read that the GA SoS is investigating an attempted hack into their state voter database by the Democrat party of GA. Fortunately the hack failed.

  5. We considered early voting too. Made plans today that we leave at 6 am Tuesday to be there when polls open. My 18 yr old son follows politics. He asked me how he finds out where to vote. He registered on campus, sent him links on how he can find his voting station. He is so turned off by the Kavanaugh hearings, he said he is voting straight R. I sent him list of R endorsed judges for the county he’s voting in. There are many, many judges up here in Ohio. My 21 yr old daughter is less political, but she said, “I know not to vote democrat, mother.” Sent her the R endorsed judges list for her county too.

  6. I don’t know what it means. I recall thinking in 2016 that Donald Trump might just hold this statist-mess-of-a-nation together long enough that we could begin to expunge the Marxist cancer that is destroying us. President Trump is trying. But is the voting public? If his message is going to persist, the result will show up first in the House remaining Republican in this mid-term election. If it doesn’t, the intellectual disease that our nation suffers may be past the point of no return.

  7. I forget where I read it, but there was a comparison made with the heavy early voting in 2016 vs 2018. In 2016, all the communist media outlets were touting early voting as a sure sign that Clinton was going to run away in a landslide. They said early voting tended to lean heavily in the way of Democrat voters.

    Today in 2018, the communist media has barely mentioned early voting. Why? Cause now it seems like in many states the voting has been leaning (R) and that millennial early voting has been very soft. So it basically puts them in a bind. They can say early voting is trending (R), thus discouraging an already discouraged (D) base. Or they can lie and say early trending is heavy (D), but then it might encourage the base to stay at home and not vote, thinking its in the bag.

    So better to ignore it and if forced to report it, just note that races are tight and voting is heavy without giving their side an excuse not to vote.

  8. It means all the working people who can’t get off work or will be out of town are making a point of casting their ballot. Any guess as to the ratio of working R voters vs. D?

    I’ve heard + 5 for Republican voters -5 for Dems. The elites are trying like hell to get those who only show up for the presidential race to drag themselves down to their polling stations this year.

  9. Right now R’s are out voting the D’s by 2% in early voting, but remember a lot of D’s are crossing over to the R’s side.
    So I would say that it is hard to read what it means,but my guess is that it is bad news for the D’s.
    Also I read that only about 30% of the millennials plan on voting this year.

  10. There’s a prolific and apparently knowledgeable commenter at CTH (fleporeblog) who has been analyzing the Florida early voting stats for multiple election cycles. He says that in the past Ds needed to have 5% more early voters than Rs to come out ahead in a squeaker, and this year Rs are ahead of Ds by about 5% (this was some days ago). His conclusion is that the major polls are way off and that the Rs will tromp the Ds in all races where there’s an R incumbent, and will likely win but by a lesser margin where there isn’t.

    I’ve been phone polled a bunch of times over the last few weeks and I’ve consistently lied and told them that I favored the Ds and plan to vote on Tuesday. In actuality, I’ve already voted, and it was the straight R ticket. Make of that what you will.

  11. It’s not brave or anything but I’m going to say a little bit of Column A and a little bit of Column B.

    Trump likely brought alot of people out to vote who might not have ordinarily. By election time, he was a known quantity. If those people who were roused to vote for him paid attention and saw that the Deep State was trying to railroad him out of office before he was even sworn in – they’re likely still energized to vote for his agenda again. And you see that in continued big crowds.

    OTOH, desperate Democrats can always be counted on to lie, cheat, steal and condone any action that gets them the power to tell their neighbor what to do and rifle through his pockets.. So there’s likely some fraud in there as well. Probably not in the places where Republicans can provide oversight but people who will let illegal alien murderers go rather than give them over to ICE are people who will stuff a ballot box and circulate a bunch of fraudulent mail-ins.

    College educated white women are always going to be a problem because the universities infect them with ignorant hate. But if blacks aren’t motivated to vote for Generic White Guy/White Woman #6 that the Democrats give them then it cracks their voting base. Outside of Florida and Georgia, the Cracker Dems don’t want to sacrifice their shot at sucking a lifetime pension, medical and no bid contracts for their supporters out of Uncle Sam’s tig ole biddies.

    Anecdotally, I don’t see as many liberal signs out in people’s yards this weekend as I did in 2016. If they were really high on their prospects, they wouldn’t be peddling the hate they are today. It would be all sunshine and unicorn farts. Yes we can. Hope and change. We’re who we’ve been waiting for. *yawn*

    But it’s not. They are selling Revenge and that is all. They may give some lip service to “healthcare is on the ballot” but they’re not getting people to the polls on Medicare For All. That’s the medical equivalent of Cici’s Pizza For All. The only question is who’s buying.

  12. I wonder how many out there are watching the president pull all the stops on his swing around the country to get out the vote and figure that if the election is that important to the commander-n-chief, then they need to make an effort to vote themselves?

  13. I keep seeing that Republicans are either leading or tied with democrats, but still more than in 2016.
    I voted early the first year we had and I found it way more inconvenient than just waiting until election day. I had to go to the courthouse where I had to have my purse x-rayed and then have it dug through, walked through the stupid metal detector to have it go off for no reason then had to have the stupid wand that didn’t go off. Poor folks behind me had to wait forever because they discovered the walk through was malfunctioning so then every person had to get the wand.
    Finally get upstairs to vote and had to wait in the hallway forever to only discover the very small room they had chosen only had two voting booths.

    I prefer my little Church that is two miles from my house and the wait is never very long because they have plenty of voting booths. The only holdup are the little old ladies who take forever to find your name in the book.

  14. Our polling place requires photo ID and voter card.
    I saw one guy booted for trying to vote out of district.
    I guess it really depends on who’s managing the polling place.


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