Earmarks Are Back and As Wasteful as Ever – IOTW Report

Earmarks Are Back and As Wasteful as Ever

Red State

Earmarks were removed 11 years ago when the Republicans retook Congress, but like a relapsed alcoholic, Congress is again binging–spending money we don’t have.

Maybe we shouldn’t complain – it’s part of the fight to “make things right,”– right? The budget consists of 2,741 pages, with a measly 4,000 earmarks for people More

2 Comments on Earmarks Are Back and As Wasteful as Ever

  1. They can’t steal unless they first appropriate.
    No 2,741 pages will be read by any single “elected” politician – I guarantee it.
    They farm out parts for aides to read who then complain that it ain’t enough.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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