Earnest Claims We’re Safer Since Obama – IOTW Report

Earnest Claims We’re Safer Since Obama

Ironically named White House spokeshole, Josh Earnest, claimed yesterday that, “our country is safer than it was eight years ago.”

Meanwhile, a report compiling the murders done by Islamic extremists in this country over the last 15 years puts the death count at 94. Given that 91 of those victims were killed during Obama’s term in office (think Orlando, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Boston just to name a few) one has to wonder just when Josh Earnest has ever told the truth.

Earnest Remarks Here

Death Toll Here

8 Comments on Earnest Claims We’re Safer Since Obama

  1. Safety is apparently measured by how often law abiding Americans are subject to giving up rights and personal safety with regular fruit and nut checks performed by the government.

  2. The Obama Spokeshole is right. We are safer since that steaming pile of half black dog crap came into office because he has spurred the purchase of millions of additional firearms that are now in the possession of we the people!

  3. Not one spokesman for obama or the agencies have a scintilla (smidgen) of personal or professional integrity or honor.
    They’ll all end up with progressive special interest groups or the main stream media making $100s of thousands of dollars.
    Well paid streets whores……(my apologies to street whores).

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