Earth Day’s legacy of failed apocalyptic predictions – IOTW Report

Earth Day’s legacy of failed apocalyptic predictions

American Thinker-

By Thomas Lifson

All the solemnity that attaches to Earth Day, with scolds like Greta Thunberg and politicians attending “virtual” summits, ought to be drowned out by peals of laughter.  The real slogan of the global warming crowd ought to be. “Fool me once, shame on me.  Fool me fifty times, shame on you.”

Yes, fooled by phony proclamations of doom fifty times.  At a minimum.

Mark Perry of AEI draws on the work of others, and adds his own to come up with a list of 50 failed doomsday predictions.  With hat tips to “Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions,” RealClimateScience, “Climate ‘Experts’ are 0-41 with Their Doomsday Predictions,” and Perry’s own work, here are the fifty phonies:


h/t NAAC

19 Comments on Earth Day’s legacy of failed apocalyptic predictions

  1. “Earth Day” – co-founded by Ira Einhorn, Social Activist who murdered his ex-girlfriend and hid her body in a suitcase.

    “Transgenderism”, “Sexual Identity” – Theories mainstreamed by John Money, Psychologist and “Sexologist” who became famous for his experiments on twin brothers. Later determined to be nothing more than a pedophile.

    “Planned Parenthood” – Lead by Margaret Sanger, a white supremecist/eugenicist who thought of black babies as “weeds” that need to be plucked out.

    There you have it, the trifecta of Progressives’ virtuous causes. No wonder they want to eradicate history.

    I bet that if you dig down into any Leftist theory or policy, you’ll find an evil person as its founder.

  2. The sheeple still panic and run, bleating and screaming, at the merest hint.
    We never learn.
    Too many lies to list, but we still fall for them: Alar, Corvair, DDT, Asbestos, Over Population, Eggs, Light Bulbs, Toilet Flush Capacity, Carbon Dioxide, Florine, Broiled Steak, Globaloney Warming, Globaloney Cooling, Climate “Change,” Nuclear Winter, Running Out of Petroleum, Too Much Petroleum, Irradiated Milk, Nuclear Power, Coal Power, Diesel Power … blah, blah, blah …
    … and the beat goes on …

    We never get enough – it’s sort of like teenage girls who go to horror movies and put their hand in front of their eyes at the scary part – and go back next week for the new one.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. When I was young we went to motocross races in the desert where they lit a pile of tires on fire so you had some idea where you were going when they released a thousand motorcycles at the start of the race. They finally shut that down because of the environmental concerns for the Earth.
    When are they going to shut down the protests for burning cars with tires and everything else with it?
    I never heard once a peep out of the left about that environmental concern.

  4. i can remember the old standing joke of a man wearing a robe holding a sign that says “the end is near”

    no one paid attention then and no one pays attention now except those looking for attention.

    the only problem now is it’s our professional politicians looking for attention holding the sign.

    but what they do matters to those who have to live with the laws they pass.

    bunch of chicken littles being led around by the propaganda machine msm

  5. The politicians are not “looking for attention” with all this terror crap (Wuhan Flu, Globaloney Climate Change, whatever) they are stealing $Billions upon $Billions extorted from the taxpayers.

    They, more than anyone else, know it’s all fraudulent – why else would they fly around in private jets and be carried around in gas-guzzling limos if they believed in the bullshit? Why would they still have air conditioning?

    They are worse than morons – they are treasonous hypocrites.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I miss shooting down saplings with my college wingman – with copious amounts of 7.62×39 and .308 fire – like we celebrated ‘Erf Day’ back in the early ’90’s… 😎

  7. I fail to see how onerous regulations and excessive taxation are going to turn down the Sun’s thermostat; or why anyone with any sense would want to fuck with it. (Die soon, bill gates)
    They’re are all sorts of natural cycles, many beyond man’s comprehension or longevity.


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