Earth would regress with the rise of progressivism – IOTW Report

Earth would regress with the rise of progressivism

Good job!

Polio Reappears in Venezuela, With Virtually No Media Mentions of Socialism


Venezuela’s descent under Bolivarian socialist President and de facto dictator Nicolas Maduro has achieved yet another grim milestone. This time it’s the return of polio, on top of other previously eradicated diseases including diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, and malaria.

The return of polio has caught the attention of some in the international press in the past few days, but only one of over a dozen related English stories found in early Monday afternoon Eastern Time Google News searches identified the nation or its leader as socialist. Also as of Monday afternoon, there was no coverage at major U.S. news outlets.


7 Comments on Earth would regress with the rise of progressivism

  1. Speaking of Venezuela, we had some new house cleaners from
    Venezuela show up last week from an agency we use. The agency said they were legals with green cards & just recently arrived. The female had a university degree and spoke good English. Anyway, I asked her point blank “Just how bad are things in Venezuela?”. She said, emphatically, “Very bad”. I welcomed them to America.

    They did a great job and we want them back every other week.

  2. Comments just prove what the “content of my character” truly means. Take the BLM, COP and victim hood out, wow, humans being human. Who has not been bullied, and shat on? If you’ve voted and not realized it, than your a fool. So many “humans” I have met in my life are amazing. To many demanding trash presented by the worthless untalented ungrateful media have and continue to be.

  3. @Tim Buktu June 11, 2018 at 11:51 pm

    > Speaking of Venezuela, we had some new house cleaners from
    Venezuela show up last week from an agency we use. The agency said they were legals with green cards & just recently arrived. The female had a university degree and spoke good English.


    A crew of university educated, bi(at least)lingual, New Americans… who were (surely) hired by the guy that rents them out, because they demanded the absolute highest, most economically insane, literally upside down, pay… to do the same work that Old Americans would do cheaper.

    Because they’re legal! Right Mr. International Chamber of Commerce Member in Good Standing? And that’s all that matters. For more winning. So, so… much… winning.

  4. 19 years after Hugo’s putsch we find out he was not so great after all. Hugo was “elected” (how the America thing LSM termed his coup) the same way his Bolshevik helpers were in 1917.

  5. The leftist media doesn’t show this because then those with their hands out for everyone else’s money and who want the government to have control over how everyone lives their lives so we’re all the same would see what their desire for socialism/communism would really bring.

    This is what you get when history and civics are no longer taught in schools or by parents.


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