Eastern Double Standard Time – IOTW Report

Eastern Double Standard Time

Stilton’s Place: Political leftists dropped to the ground yesterday while experiencing eye-bugging, spit-foaming, limb-wrenching paroxysms of pure joy. This was not because they had been drinking from a mini-bar in the Dominican Republic (unfortunately), but rather because they thought that Donald Trump had finally been caught admitting that he’s a collusion-loving, election-stealing traitor beholden to foreign powers.

As always, they couldn’t possibly have gotten the story more wrong, but that didn’t stop all of the usual Fake News outlets from reporting a non-event as if it were the crime of the century (typical headline: “Every Member of Team Trump Now Enabling Treason“).


5 Comments on Eastern Double Standard Time

  1. George Stephanopoulos set up Mitt Romney during the Presidential Debate with Omohammed with that question about denying women access to contraceptives. He never pressed Obumbler or Killary with any questions about their covering up the Benghazi bloodbath. He was obviously trying to set up President Trump with these questions. When will Republicans stop giving Stephanopoulos the opportunity to create fake news?

  2. Marco –
    “Did you ever ask Hillary that question?”
    “Did you ever ask Obama that question?”
    “Did you ever ask Bill Clinton that question?”
    “Did you ever ask Nancy Pelosi that question?”
    “Did you ever ask Chuck Schumer that question?”
    “Did you ever ask Joe Biden that question?”
    This is what Conservative politicians need to say when put on the Media’s Little Monkey Trials!

  3. TRF: Great list of questions. I hope somebody will read your list at the White House and on Capital Hill. Conservatives have to fight the MSDM and the War of Liberal Aggression with a tougher attitude. Be more like Trump and less like Chumps.


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