Eat Ze Bugs – IOTW Report

Eat Ze Bugs

PJ Media

In all fairness, there seems to be much to recommend free-range cricket farming: farms require a fairly small footprint, crickets are fast breeders, cricket poop (“frass”) can be used as fertilizer, crickets and bugs carry very few diseases that can be transmitted to humans, and the critters have a range of uses. Crickets can be included in pet foods and treats. (I know my cat loves her some bugs.) Soy-heads can include chirpers in their diet as a protein source. And — my favorite — crickets can be fed to real food like tasty fish, chickens, and turkeys. More

26 Comments on Eat Ze Bugs

  1. We can marvel at the gears in cricket’s leg joints that allow them to jump so high compared to their body dimensions. The set of gears work perfectly as they were designed to do, by God, that is. By God, it’s a great example of Intelligent Design. There are pictures of it on the internet somewhere.

    But eat the wonderfully designed little critters? Not me.

  2. I used to feed crickets to my Tarantula (Nancy) and my Black Widow (Sherri). You ought to see how big a Black Widows ass can get when you feed them a big Cycada…..

    Also, you can win some good money by putting a wasp in with a Black Widow and betting with Mexicans….Mexicans don’t understand the power of shooing the web….

  3. If it weren’t for all the anti-freedom propagandizing about eating bugs, I might actually eat bugs. It’s been a while, but I’ve already tried various preparations of crickets, grubs, grasshoppers, and earthworms…and they were pretty tasty especially worms sauteed in butter and garlic.

    But now, no. The bug-pushers stand for everything I stand against. I hope the bugs eat THEM.

  4. @Willy

    I think Black Widows are the most evil looking of all bugs. They are not really evil, but they look it, and unfortunately, I have to kill any I see in my back patio, garage, etc.

    There are lots of videos of different animals facing each other in glass cages just to see which one wins, like a giant asian frog vs 3 black scorpions. The frog won that battle by eating the scorpions.

  5. Billy’s friend: I was thinking the same thing. When I kill a deer, I leave it’s digestive tract and all its contents in the woods, being careful not to contaminate the meat. With crickets, you can’t do that, so you will be eating them hair, guts, tails, and shit.

  6. … unless you can be depended on to vote Democrat. If that is the case, feel free to top off with caviar after steak and lobster with a crab coattail appetizer all paid for by the taxpayers on your EBT.

  7. We have seen this play out before. Study the Irish Potato Famine and those who considered themselves to be everyone’s betters pulled the same shit. It is no wonder the British Royal Shit For Brains are lining up behind it.


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