Ebola patient “throwing up all over the place” outside before admitted to Texas hospital – IOTW Report

Ebola patient “throwing up all over the place” outside before admitted to Texas hospital


America’s first ebola patient not only likely knew he had ebola on his way to America, but was sent home from a Dallas hospital only to be seen throwing up two days later all over the place outside his apartment before being admitted again.

Not only that, but he had contact with up to 18 people here in America, including 5 children who went to school.

Needless to say, this could be far larger than the CDC let on yesterday:

REUTERS – Two days after he was sent home from a Dallas hospital, the man who is the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States was seen vomiting on the ground outside an apartment complex as he was bundled into an ambulance.

“His whole family was screaming. He got outside and he was throwing up all over the place,” resident Mesud Osmanovic, 21, said on Wednesday, describing the chaotic scene before the man was admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday where he is in serious condition.


h/t  Huckleberry

22 Comments on Ebola patient “throwing up all over the place” outside before admitted to Texas hospital

  1. Yep! And I just watched the local news & the local hospitals were interviewed. They’re saying “the first question we’ll ask patients is ‘have you been to West Africa recently?'”.
    Morons! That clown in Texas contaminated how many people?! The ones on the airplane, in the emergency room the first time, neighbours & family, etc etc…
    This is going to be something else & will get very bad thanks to our liberal media NOT giving out pertinent information!

  2. The US has been six months behind the ball on this all along, and I have no confidence that anyone has a handle on this yet.

    They are still fucking the dog on this respiratory epidemic among young teens. How long will it be till we find out that came in with the flood of illegals over the Southern border?

    We’re in for some big trouble.

  3. How long will it be till we find out that came in with the flood of illegals over the Southern border?

    Enterovirus is endemic in Central and South America. So the CDC will never in a million years find that it was brought and spread by illegal aliens. 4 dead and scores paralyzed so far.

  4. So, he was asked about recent travel and told the RN that he “had recently been in West Africa…” He obviously did not tell the nurse that he was EXPOSED TO EBOLA and came here for medical tx! For crying out loud, he carried a woman into her home, that died three hours later. He knew darn well he had the virus and that he was endangering, what will probably turn out to be, the whole western world. ASSHOLE.

  5. Anyone else notice that he is staying with family members that live in a neighborhood populated mostly with immigrants from Somalia, etc.
    Another Death to Infidels! campaign perhaps?

  6. So he was vomiting violently in the outside yard.
    That’s just great. I wonder what animal might have come along and eaten that? It is one thing to have the virus in the population, in a limited way, where it can be monitored and watched, difficult and unpredictable as that may be.
    But this could lead to an introduction of the virus into the environment, similar to how it is in Africa. It can be ‘carried’ by certain bats, and who knows, really, what else. There it can lay dormant and reappear sporadically- just as in Africa. I can’t believe that the immediate surroundings haven’t been quarantined and sanitized. I heard on the radio a little while ago that the apartment that he was staying in hasn’t been purged- the sheets are still on the bed that he used, and his clothing is in plastic garbage bags, in the apartment, with the family members. I have little faith in the competencies of most of our government these days.

  7. Why did this Liberian “choose” to seek treatment in Dallas, TX ????!

    Might he have been ‘coached’ by members of this Administration, or members of his government that were directed by Barky during his recent pan-African conference ?

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