Echo in the Canyon – IOTW Report

Echo in the Canyon

Coming this summer is a documentary about the California sound of the 60s.

Out of LA’s Laurel Canyon came some of the most iconic American rock music ever produced.

28 Comments on Echo in the Canyon

  1. Moslems will never permit American pop music to be heard in Ameristan.

    Enjoy it while you can. Keep your CDs and DVDs safe, because someday they’ll cut off all the music streams.

  2. Can’t wait to see this. They produced some great music and it’s interesting to see that young people are paying attention to it. Nothing like the same-sounding pablum that is being played today.

  3. I miss the LA I grew up in, not the one that’s there now. Starting in the late 90’s, the trajectory towards shithole status rapidly accelrated. I moved in 1988 and missed LA for awhile. Not anymore.

  4. Lived on Laurel drive down near Santa Monica with the band. Oh them eighties. I saw so many great bands. I saw Dickey Betts and Great Southern at the Roxy and Van Halen at the Starwood, the Clash’s first tour at the Palladium, the Dickies at the Whiskey, John McEuen in McCabe’s Guitar Shop in Santa Monica.
    Great music all around
    I used to love LA, but boy am I glad I got the hell out.

  5. The last half of the last century produced some of the best music that will ever play on the air. After that, it nothing but shit more or less. What they call Rock isn’t and what they try to push as country is total crap that sounds like rap.

  6. As far as my favorite California band goes I would have to say it’s The Doors. LA Woman and Morrison Hotel are two albums I’ve wore out. We’ve made many pyramids in honor of our escaping.

  7. Back in the 60’s and 70’s we had live music at our school dances, teen and 20-somethings semi-professional bands. NOW I don’t think high schools have dances, do they? Proms are usually held someplace other than the school gym nowadays.

  8. “Moslems will never permit American pop music to be heard in Ameristan….”

    Remember: they only have power because the left has chosen them as allies (the enemy of my enemy is my friend…)

  9. Starz, Colosseum Rock – Damn, Brad your about the only person that knows who Starz is and I have known to bring them up. Love that album!.
    It’s a riot!

  10. @Bad_Brad – I grew up around Gardena/Torrance area and my first apartment was in Hawthorne. Friday nights we used to cruise Hawthorne Blvd. Good times.

  11. Wait, they mean Santa Monica mountains’ Laurel Canyon? No shit. Did not know that. Been up there a few times for some art shows and what not. I would have never guessed.

    I thought Tom Petty hung out in Florida.

  12. Jerry Manderin- When ever we were in Pasadena, we looked for the ‘little old lady from Pasadena’ on the radio. LOL!
    ONE time, we were actually on Colorado Blvd when it came on.

  13. Granny must’ve been one cool kitten to drive a brand new red super stock Dodge. Go granny go! The elderly lady who lived next door to us when I was growing up in the mid 60’s had a 64 Mercury Comet which was actually a fairly cool car for an older lady.

  14. You need to be in the music industry in LA like I was to find the rock gold in Laurel and Topanga Canyons – my old backyard. BTW, look up Arthur Lee and Love. You’re welcome.

    Yours in Rock n Roll,

    Barack Obama’s Dead Fly


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