Economic Genius – IOTW Report

Economic Genius

ht/ c. steven tucker

24 Comments on Economic Genius

  1. The most offensive thing is that if you carry cash that Robert Reich’s name can still be found on your money.

    Former Secretary of the Treasury. A full blown, radical left communist. That was under “centrist” Bill Clinton.

    Not even slightly exaggerating:

    Check out his plan for Hillary’s first hundred days. The Civil War 2 would already be over by now and his head on a pike.

  2. Tesla is new Enron they never made money on cars. They are priced more than any other auto company on the planet you think they should be higher than say Toyota. Hell the new Ford Bronco is back ordered out 18 months and will make more profits than the Tesla junk cars

  3. 1) Reduced pay is still better than no pay, which is what they would be getting if Tesla had fired them.
    2) Aren’t liberals always crying about how companies should think of the little guy and not about profits. Tesla could have fired personnel for their bottom line but didn’t, which caused wall street to appreciate a company that thinks of the little guy.
    3) Tesla’s stock just split 5-1 (FIVE TO ONE HOLY FRICKING COW). So of course Elon Musks net worth is going to quintuple ($25B to just over $100B (taking into consideration taxes) is a quintuple increase (and I aren’t good at maths like Robert the Third Reich).
    4) If Robert the Third had done any kind of economic homework (one would assume a professor and author knows how to do those types of things – or at least be able to tell someone else to do them) he would have known the Tesla employees get stock as part of their compensation and thus would have known that with the stock split the employees also greatly benefited (HOLY FRICKING COW – FIVE TO ONE!!! {Apple did a 7-1 in 2014})
    5) One stock on Aug 31 at $498.32 = $498.32;
    Five stocks on Sept 10 at $387.09 = $1,935.45;
    And for the prize: $1,935.45/$387.09 = (drum roll please) 5
    So if an employee only had one stock on Aug 31 and they sold their now five right now at current going price they quintupled their money, even at a lower stock price than on Aug 31 (HOLY FRICKING COW!!!), not even two weeks later.
    6) Robert the Third is far worse than a modern day economic moron, he is an evil vile communist spreading lies and hate intentionally to sow discord, violence, and the breakdown of a civil society.

  4. “How is a stock that was trading for under $50 a year ago go up almost 10 times in value in a year when the company is still loosing money every quarter?”

    Because stock markets aren’t rational. They never have been, and the exchanges will resist any regulation that tries to make them so. Money is made on the exchanges via volatility, not listed company productivity.


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