Economic Gloom Hits Worst Level in 50 Years – IOTW Report

Economic Gloom Hits Worst Level in 50 Years


A severe pessimism grips the U.S. economy and Americans report the highest level of dissatisfaction with their financial situation in at least half a century, poll results released Monday show.

Eighty-three percent of Americans describe the state of the economy as poor or not so good, according to a Wall Street Journal-NORC Poll. Only one percent describe the economy as “excellent.”

The poll results show just how much inflation has damaged the U.S. economy and the perceptions of Americans about their own financial well-being. The Consumer Price Index in March was up the most in 40 years and the April inflation rate was close behind it. The government will release figures for May’s price level on Friday.

Thirty-five percent said they are not at all satisfied with their financial condition, the highest level of dissatisfaction since NORC began asking the question every few years starting in 1972.

Sixty-three percent of Americans say they are extremely or very concerned about the price of gas. Fifty-four percent say they are extremely or very concerned about the impact of high grocery prices on their household’s financial situation. Just 13 percent say they not very or not at all concerned about gas prices and 19 percent about grocery prices. more

6 Comments on Economic Gloom Hits Worst Level in 50 Years

  1. the demonrats have so screwed up this country financially, legally, morally that there should be NO way that they would ever be considered as candidates to rule this, or any other country … from the top positions on down to the most menial laborer.

    unfortunately, we have allowed them to teach & breed generations of children to reject common sense, rationality, logic, manners & their own uniqueness. all that matters is ‘feelz’.

    today, the vast majority are witness to what permanent harm we have helped create & the d’rats revel in.

    we are reaping the whirlwind … very, very soon it will be time to choose

    society … or chaos … because we are surely going that way … in a handbasket

  2. @Wild Bill ~ au contraire. SloJoe the PedoHo is very useful!

    he stumbles, bumbles, babbles, berates, bullies, drools, stutters, wobbles, warbles, trips, slips, gaffes, flatulates, defecates & generally makes a complete fool & ass of himself on a daily basis

    … & we lap it up, laughing at the buffoonery, eagerly waiting for the latest U-Goob video compilation of Joe’s latest stupidity

    perfect distraction for the masses … while they’re venting their anger at an adle-brained stroked-out perverted old creepy puppet, the ‘progressives’ are destroying the Western World

  3. Well democrats can’t simply replace a capitalist system with a socialist system. They need to burn down the capitalist system, kick it while it’s down, inflict as much pain as possible and then propose the only solution they know.. the wonderful socialist system! Your average lofo will gobble it up, yum yum. To that end, the economy is doing great, right on track, perfect they might say.


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