Economy in southern states blowing past rest of lockdown country as COVID restrictions ease – IOTW Report

Economy in southern states blowing past rest of lockdown country as COVID restrictions ease


By Duncan Smith

Figuring out how to grow an economy really isn’t difficult.

The first lesson is: Let businesses open.

The second lesson is: Let people work.

Much of the blue portion of the country has yet to figure these two very simple principles out, as evidenced by the fact that they continue to a) keep businesses shuttered so that b) fewer people can work.

And, lo and behold, that’s having a deleterious effect on regional economies where COVID-19 lockdowns and mandated closures continue.

Conversely, there are regions of the country that are doing much better — like the South, where restrictions and lockdowns, for the most part, are a thing of the past. MORE

9 Comments on Economy in southern states blowing past rest of lockdown country as COVID restrictions ease

  1. Here in middle Tennessee, democrat run Nashville remains under a mask mandate and a modified/phased lockdown order. The lifeblood of its economy – the tourism hospitality and entertainment industries – are suffering greatly.

    Not only that, the city council just passed an ordinance that empowers ANY city government employee to issue a citation for not wearing a mask. The garbage man can write you up!

    Just to the south of Nashville – Republican territory – no mask requirements and no lockdowns. Business is booming.

    Democrats are evil.

  2. By the summer of next year all of these places where the revenue stream has greatly diminished due to lockdowns will be in big trouble. I hope it doesn’t drag the national economy down but I think it will.

  3. What do you bet that these states that refused to open their economies will come begging for a handout from the federal government. Not only are the people not allowed to go to work in these places, but we are forced to pay the politicians salaries who created this problem in the first place.

  4. Dear Confederacy,

    Please invade Yankee-land, & deliverest unto them a righteous ass-kicking. I have my NC birth certificate on me, and my accent will give me away. I will happily point out the libtard infestation, and help us deliver unto the Yankees, the ass-whuppin’ we SHOULD’VE given them at Gettysburg!!!

  5. Know them by what they do.

    If you know any liberals, shun them, cut them off, from your friendship, your commerce, your charity.

    You only owe forgiveness to someone who is contrite. They are not apologetic, they are defiant. Let them pay for their sins.

  6. And Florida would have been in a lot better shape had Trump not pressured DeSantis into lockdowns, which DeSantis assented to reluctantly. In fact, Trump was a real a-hole about it:

    (Full disclosure: Even though I voted for Trump, I am not one of those who kisses his posterior and approves of him without reservation. I have no problem dissing him when he craps the floor, as he did with Florida. He gave DeSantis a rather hard time. I thank God DeSantis is my governor)

  7. And the Northern states, While not nearly as open for business, are slaughtering us Canuckistanians who are now being put in “modified level 2” in Toronto.

    It is halfway between level 2 Moderate Panic & level 3 fall on you knees and pray to Prime Minister Turdo McSparkle Socks as you hoard toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

    I no longer buy ANY Canadian stocks and have not since Trumps was elected.


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