Ecuador to Hand Over Assange’s Belongings to US – IOTW Report

Ecuador to Hand Over Assange’s Belongings to US

Epoch Times:

Police conducted a search on May 20 to remove personal belongings left by WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange.

Judicial authorities from Ecuador carried out an inventory of all the belongings and digital devices left behind at the London embassy following Assange’s expulsion last month from the diplomatic compound that had been his home the past seven years.

It’s not known what devices authorities removed from the embassy or what information they contained.

The investigation comes following a request from the United States based on a legal agreement Quito and Washington entered into. Lawyers for Assange have denounced the agreement.

It came as Sweden announced it was seeking Assange’s arrest on suspicion of rape, setting up a possible future tug-of-war with the United States over any extradition of Assange from Britain.

Ecuadorian authorities said they will hand over any belongings not given to the United States or Ecuadorian investigators to Assange’s lawyers.

Ecuador is awaiting the results of the investigation before considering possible moves against the WikiLeaks founder for illegal activities, according to Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Jose Valencia.

According to Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno, Assange repeatedly violated his asylum conditions and tried to use the Ecuadorian embassy in London as a center for spying.

London police dragged Assange out of the embassy in April after his seven-year asylum was revoked, paving the way for his extradition to the United States for one of the biggest ever leaks of classified information.

Assange’s relationship with his hosts collapsed after Ecuador accused him of leaking information about Moreno’s personal life.  more here

3 Comments on Ecuador to Hand Over Assange’s Belongings to US

  1. @Nunya – that whole thing about Assange’s hygiene was just to make him look bad. I saw other pictures and reports, and it was nothing like how they were trying to make it seem. They just want the general public to be less sympathetic toward him.


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