Edison May Cut Off Power to Southern California Homes on Thanksgiving to ‘Prevent Fires’ – IOTW Report

Edison May Cut Off Power to Southern California Homes on Thanksgiving to ‘Prevent Fires’

Gateway Pundit:

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) restricted Californians from gathering for Thanksgiving and now a utility company is threatening to cut off power as a preventative measure against dry conditions and high winds.

Edison International may cut off power to Southern California homes and businesses on Thanksgiving to ‘prevent fires.’

Strong winds are in the forecast for Thursday and Friday and the utility company may resort to preemptively cutting power to prevent electrical lines from starting fires. more here

16 Comments on Edison May Cut Off Power to Southern California Homes on Thanksgiving to ‘Prevent Fires’

  1. You get the government you vote for


    Incidentally, the COVID bailout bucks went massively to california felons and death row criminals. Those dollars came from the other 49 states.

  2. @Jimmy – Friday, right after Thanksgiving with my parents. Fortunately we aren’t in a zone likely to have the power out.
    Our nextdoor-neighbors were going to eat out for Thanksgiving. Whoops! LA County fiat says even though restaurants aren’t contributing much to COVID spread we’re gonna shut them down anyway – ‘just to be safe’. I am so over the people running this place, at all levels. And the same ones keep getting reelected.

  3. When gatherings turn out the same way as 4th of July, bet your ass power will be cut.

    Today’s stupid sighting: My neighbor down the street had their family come in a day early for Thanksgiving. They were hanging out in the open garage on folding chairs, spaced 6ft apart, all masked up. It took every ounce of restraint to not yell “GOOFS!” at them.


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