Editor of Talking Points Memo Tweets Porn – IOTW Report

Editor of Talking Points Memo Tweets Porn

To be specific, Josh Marshall tweeted out lesbian porn. (And to make it sadder, they’re not really all that good looking. And it’s a bit of a chick flick, in that it’s shot in mood lighting and there’s a lot of talking.)((As a reporter I had to watch it.))

It’s still up and Marshall hasn’t responded.


ht/ fdr in hell


14 Comments on Editor of Talking Points Memo Tweets Porn

  1. Maybe he’s shhhleeping with the lil fishies, that’s why it’s still up and running. But, I’m sure there’s a perfectly good explanation for this still being up. he’s probably at the store returning unwanted dvd’s of shoe porn that he got for christmas. someone call him lickity split about this.

  2. Absolutely nobody is that stupid particularly a guy in the public eye like this dick. I suspect his account has been jacked and he’s trying to get a hold of someone from Twitter to bring it down. Or maybe he was pleasuring himself while a twitter window was open and whilst reaching for the lotion bumbled some keys and loaded the cheap porn into twitter then fell into a deep swoon. Bet his boyfriend won’t be happy to find this when he gets home.

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