Educating Girls Enrages Muslims – Yet Anglo Women Support Muslim Men – IOTW Report

Educating Girls Enrages Muslims – Yet Anglo Women Support Muslim Men

There is no limit to the amount of contempt I have for the women who
support Hamas and other terrorist groups.  It is stunning to me how beyond clueless these women with
an “advanced” and even Ivy League education are.  They have been taught
at these schools by demons. -Red Grandma

10 Comments on Educating Girls Enrages Muslims – Yet Anglo Women Support Muslim Men

  1. I keep going back to the 4 years I spent at Berkeley in the 80s. It may not have been as extreme as it is now but it was still a hotbed of leftist activism.
    Point being that I grew from that experience. I used my brain, thought rationally, and saw the truth – and it strengthened my ‘conservative’ ideals. These people are dimwits, or choose to be this way.

  2. There is a tremendous amount of ignorance about islam. Partly due the massive amount of deception by islam itself and those who benefit from it. Some of it due to the in-curiosity of those who wish to believe that islam is no different than any religion. Note how many fools have coexist bumper stickers.
    islam is a political religion of pure evil.
    islam delenda est.

  3. @ MAF SATURDAY, 22 JUNE 2024, 16:43 AT 4:43 PM

    Willful ignorance isn’t a mitigating factor and excuses nothing. Most of these dumb See You Next Tuesdays know damn well that what they are enabling. Don’t fall for that sucker play

  4. Anglo women have been fully brainwashed in school by their educators’ appealing to these women’s inate narcissism. When these women hit 40, watch the epidemic of suicides and murders by them.

  5. I find it PHENOMINAL how the uneducated have so readily advanced to the position of total stupidity.
    The liberal, commie leftists have done a great job in dismantling America.

    The best recourse is rapidly being reduced to brute force.


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