EEOC Wins Discrimination Case For Muslim Truck Drivers Fired For Not Delivering Beer… – IOTW Report

EEOC Wins Discrimination Case For Muslim Truck Drivers Fired For Not Delivering Beer…

Wait, employers must provide abortions for employees, even if it’s against their religious beliefs, but employees can refuse to do their job based on religion beliefs?

Blazing Cat Fur

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission won $240,000 in damages for two Muslim truck drivers after it sued their former employer for religious discrimination for firing the drivers for refusing to make beer deliveries.

The case involved Star Transport’s firing of

drivers Mahad Abass Mohamed and Abdikarim Hassan Bulshale, both of Somali heritage, in 2009 after they refused to make beer deliveries for the company, citing their adherence to Islamic law. For devout Muslims, consuming or even being in contact with any alcoholic beverage is prohibited.

…”This case makes me proud to be American,” Bulshale said.



12 Comments on EEOC Wins Discrimination Case For Muslim Truck Drivers Fired For Not Delivering Beer…

  1. Our own federal government sues a private business (in federal court with federal judges) on behalf of 2 muslims that refuse to do the job they were hired for (and they certainly knew when they were hired that alcohol might be part of the cargo they were paid to deliver). Here’s what the official EEOC lawyer had to say about why they sued from the EEOC website:

    John Hendrickson, the EEOC Regional Attorney for the Chicago District Office said, “Everyone has a right to observe his or her religious beliefs, and employers don’t get to pick and choose which religions and which religious practices they will accommodate. If an employer can reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious practice without an undue hardship, then it must do so. That is a principle which has been memorialized in federal employment law for almost50 years, and it is why EEOC is in this case.”

    Obviously this EEOC lawyer means that muslims and muslims only have the right to observe their religious beliefs. As noted by Frank in a previous comment, the EEOC didn’t bother to defend Kim Davis’ religious beliefs by suing her employer on her behalf. Is there anyone here that still thinks that our government has not been taken over at the highest levels by communists / jihadists intent on destroying America’s Christian underpinnings and traditions, and that we don’t now live under very real tyranny?

  2. This highlights the fundamental right of muslims to migrate into (invade) countries of the west, refuse work, but expect/demand all the wealth that socialism will steal from others to give to them.

    You have to accept that communists, muslims and traitorous idiots are 100% united in their zeal to DESTROY the USA.

    And that all levels of your government are now controlled by these people.

  3. Supers soakers filled with pig blood thinned down by beer would be a good combination for soaking muzzies with. And the super soakers should also come equipped with a rifle barrel with the ammo greased with pig fat as a back up to finish the job and send these schmucks to their 72 sturgeons in the sky.

  4. All hail our Muslim overlords!
    Christians are fired, fined and bankrupted for standing with their beliefs, Muslims are rewarded for it.
    This is the Jizya, accept it, convert, or die.

  5. If I a 62 year old white guy didn’t make my deliveries for some bogus reason like those excusing muzzies from delivering products that are against their phony religion, my boss a Jew by the way would fire me in a heartbeat and I would deserve it. Muzzies should not be given a pass just because of their religion and neither should any one else for that matter. Why don’t these pissants find another job where they don’t have to deliver beer, liquor or accommodate passengers dogs etc. and leave us the Hell alone.

  6. Their “religion” forbids the consumption of alcohol-containing beverages, not the selling, handling, delivering, making, or any other alcohol-related activities.

    At least that is my understanding.

    And izlamic Afghans drink alcohol – they only curtailed that activity when threatened by the Taliban.

    Filthy fucking savage hypocrites.

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