Effort Started To Rename A Block of 5th Avenue For Obama – IOTW Report

Effort Started To Rename A Block of 5th Avenue For Obama

The Hill

A MoveOn Petition started by Elizabeth Rowin is calling for the stretch of Fifth Avenue between 56th and 57th streets to be renamed “President Barack H. Obama Avenue.”

The petition would require President Trump to formally change the address of his Trump Tower building, where his 2020 reelection campaign will be headquartered on the 15th floor. More

29 Comments on Effort Started To Rename A Block of 5th Avenue For Obama

  1. “We request the New York City Mayor and City Council do the same by renaming a block of Fifth Avenue after the former president who saved our nation from the Great Recession, achieved too many other accomplishments to list, and whose two terms in office were completely scandal free,” the petition states.

    Will do. But we won’t be able to do that until after Trump finishes his two terms in office.

  2. These petty muthafuckers.

    It’s still fifth avenue, even though it has a block honorarily (and I use the term loosely) named for our worst president ever.

    Just use a P.O. Box for the campaign.

    I hate baby organ harvesting Democrats.

  3. There should be a rule: if you live on Obama Ave., you have to live under socialism. The street would be vacant, excep forjunkies on welfare.

    The denial of these liberals is as amazing as it is dangerous. They’re rushing off a cliff, looking to take is with them.

    We have to battle for every inch, or they and their media will take a mile.

  4. You have to chuckle at the Wile E. Coyote leftists though. How many bong hits did it take to come up with that idea.

    DUDE! We got Trump this time.
    We’ll make his mailing address Barack Obama Avenue!!!!

    If Trump even acknowledges this ruse, he’ll smack it flat like a mosquito at Mar-a-Lago.

  5. Shit man! They’ll need a whole city block just for the flippin sign:
    “The cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vacationing, golfing, childish, mean, petty, partying, vindictive, arrogant, imperious, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, wildly-spending, stone-walling, out-of-touch, dope-smoking, pot-headed, teleprompter reading, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, No-records, Bush-blaming, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, recess-appointing, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, flim-flam man, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, healthcare-destroying, Al-Qaeda appeasing, Christian-Snubbing, malicious, petty, lawless phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-hatted, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, duplicitous Deserter-honoring, ISIS supporting, Iran-Funding, Jihad-coddling, maladroit, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob, Communist Organizing, Feckless Fruitloop, Kenyan Kremepuff and Marxist Muzlim Mallard dog park”

  6. I suspect this, ” The petition would require President Trump to formally change the address of his Trump Tower building, where his 2020 reelection campaign will be headquartered”, is the primary factor in the selection for this street to be renamed.

  7. Look! Name 137th Street between 8th Avenue and 7th Avenue after him. That is a block area that was firebombed by black thugs from White Plains who came down to Harlem to loot and plunder in honor of the death of Rev. Martin Luther King. Yes. that’s the truth. These mutterfokers didn’t even know who MLK was. All we could do was get the License Plate numbers. No arrests. These black scum
    destroyed black owned delis. grocery stores, dry cleaning, hardware stores, and apartment buildings. I was there. My partner Artie Wager, and I ran through buildings rapping o doors warning people to get out. Hundreds of black Harlem residents were out on the street amazed, dumbfounded. It was around midnight April 4, 1968.
    Around 7am that morning the “elite NYPD Tactical Patrol Force” showed up to protect the smoldering buildings.
    Mayor John Lindsey didn’t want no riots, so there were none.
    Name 135th Street between 8th and 7th Avenue, “Barack Obama Walk.”

  8. Rick. We have. Giving that pimp a Nobel Prize for doing nothing was a start. Naming a street in New York City after him just adds insult to injury. I don’t know which is worse.
    TFR. Gee, I wish I’da thought of all that. Wow. 1000TU.


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