Playing with your food may be expensive nowadays, but you can at least watch others doing that in this video, for free. Kinda. lol
Playing with your food may be expensive nowadays, but you can at least watch others doing that in this video, for free. Kinda. lol
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Amazingly, no Easter bunnies where harmed while making this video. But it did make me think of rabbit stew as last year one of them got in my garden and ate some green bean plants.
General Malaise, was the rabbits name Peter and are you related to Mr. McGregor?
Well, geoff, I do have a lot of Scottish ancestry in me but the hare I was a hair away from crossbowing got away before I could interrogate him. This year, I’ve got 18″ of chicken wire at the bottom of the netting held down by landscape stakes and plan to post a watch with subsonics loaded in my peashooter. Bloody Easter bunnies.
My brother who lives in the Spokane valley on the backside edge of Browne’s Mountain doesn’t have so much of a problem with rabbits but a far bigger problem with raccoons invading his large garden, he has an undeclared war on the bandits and kills then routinely in traps and then drowns them in a 55 gallon barrel of water. They also killed most of his turkeys and geese a few years ago, he hates the bastards. My sister in law hates the deer who routinely get into the garden as well. If it wasn’t so close to a residential area and be a no hunting zone I could probably have more venison than I would know what to do with. And then a few years ago a bear got into his bee hives and completely destroyed it. He lives in a beautiful semi rural area that has lots of wildlife including raccoons, skunks (I also have some skunks around my house in the city limits in Spokane and an occasional raccoon or two), bears, coyotes, deer and even a moose every once in a while. And wild turkeys are everywhere around Spokane nowadays, I never saw a turkey growing up, but since they were reintroduced 20 or so years ago the turkeys are everywhere. And we have a grizzly bear up by Naples, Idaho just South of Bonners Ferry who is currently wreaking havoc on some local farmers and ranchers livestock in that area just within the last couple of weeks or so. Idaho Fish and Wife agents are currently attempting to capture that grizzly bear and remove it from that area.
WIldlife, my mistake, geez did I just write fish and wife agents. I made the ultimate fo pah once when I was crossing the floating bridge on Lake Washington heading into Seattle with my wife and kids years ago and for some reason she was pissed at me for what I can’t even remember and I called it her a floating bitch. I never heard the end of that and my oldest dughter still reminds me of it and laughs at it to this day. My wife did forgive me, thank God.