Eight Years to The Demographic Tipping Point – IOTW Report

Eight Years to The Demographic Tipping Point


Deaths in the United States are expected to outpace births for the first time within the next decade. This comes as birth rates have hit record lows in the country in recent years.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, projections show that “beginning in 2033, annual deaths exceed annual births.” The office projected that the population of the country will increase from 350 million in 2025 to 372 million in 2055, with immigration becoming an “increasingly important source of population growth”

“Without immigration, the population would shrink beginning in 2033, in part because fertility rates are projected to remain too low for a generation to replace itself,” the CBO wrote in its report. Fertility rates have continued to be lower than the replacement rate, which is 2.1 births per woman.

In 2020, fertility rates were at 1.64 births per woman in the US, however, that number dropped to 1.62 in 2023. The CBO projects that the fertility rate will hover at 1.60 by 2035 and remain about the same until 2055. More

12 Comments on Eight Years to The Demographic Tipping Point

  1. Given the 20+ million illegal aliens fucking like crazy, this won’t happen. BUT, the genetic intelligence of the illegals is low, and this won’t bode well for America in the future.

  2. Not that I pointing a finger of blame, but I think the biggest obstacle that has to be overcome is the number of liberal wimmin that don’t want kids, and many of them don’t want men.

  3. I hate to sound like a broken record, but if you put half an effort into investigating the information regarding diminishing testosterone levels in the United States the problem becomes obvious. RFK knows.

  4. Such a sad statement that the white man who founded this country has now become the minority. It won’t be long where the brown or black ones totally destroy whats left of human civilization in this country. I was glad to have grown up in our formerly great nation when we were a free country.

  5. A half century of the “Great Society” social scheme to pay the most low IQ worthless people in our society to breed like rabbits while simultaneously making children a massive financial liability for the middle class has turned the US into a coast to coast demographic black hole.

    Satan couldn’t have planned this evil better.

  6. So, instead of encouraging American citizens to procreate, just encourage the immigration of people who have no loyalty to our nation or culture. As. long as it helps those currently in power to stay in power, of course.

  7. JMV

    So if that’s the case why not encourage immigration from countries with people that look like us? Because we have a bunch of deranged white people that hate white people. Fuck them. In fact kick them off the planet. You’ll be doing them a favor. After all they hate themselves.

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