Either The Russians Hacked MSNBC’s Wednesday Broadcast, Or Someone In The Booth Is Gettin’ Canned – IOTW Report

Either The Russians Hacked MSNBC’s Wednesday Broadcast, Or Someone In The Booth Is Gettin’ Canned

DC: MSNBC experienced some technical difficulties Wednesday morning.

After cutting to footage of President Trump meeting with African-American community leaders in the White House, someone in the booth apparently sat on the rewind button.

And then this happened.


7 Comments on Either The Russians Hacked MSNBC’s Wednesday Broadcast, Or Someone In The Booth Is Gettin’ Canned

  1. “Dayshawn, get off the computer! You’re going to be late for the one job you have: rewinding the tape!”

    “Yeah, yeah, just a minute. Chill. I got to check sumpin.”

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