El Salvador President Slams Protest Crackdowns, Takes Shot at Biden – IOTW Report

El Salvador President Slams Protest Crackdowns, Takes Shot at Biden

National File: Nayib Bukele, the President of El Salvador, has criticized Western leaders over vaccine mandates and crackdowns on protesters in a number of tweets over recent days. Bukele, 40, also hit back at calls from a group of U.S. Senators to curb his nation’s embrace of Bitcoin. “The real war is not in Ukraine, it’s in Canada, Australia, France, Brussels, England, Germany, Italy,” Bukele said in reference to totalitarian mandates. “They just want you to look the other way.”

In Paris, riot police set up roadblocks and deployed tear gas against protesters who hoped to mimic Canada’s Freedom Convoy protests. Canadian truckers and others have been peacefully demonstrating outside Canadian federal buildings for over three weeks in an effort to end to vaccine mandates and other COVID restrictions.

Bukele criticized French police for their actions and pondered what the world would say if his government engaged in a similar crackdown. “This is Paris, today. Imagine this was in El Salvador.,” Bukele wrote in a tweet over images of armored vehicles on the streets of Paris. “What would France, the European Union, and the “international community” say? Honestly.” read more

10 Comments on El Salvador President Slams Protest Crackdowns, Takes Shot at Biden

  1. A third world Central American nation lecturing the U.S., Canada and France on due process, personal rights and freedom. It would be humorous, except he’s largely correct.

    Crypto currency such as Bitcoin is indeed a threat to the U.S., Canada and Europe. Currencies such as the dollar or the Euro are based on trust – the trust of the people that these currencies have value, predictability and safety. However, Canada has recently demonstrated that they consider the use of financial matters and financial institutions to be a government weapon against protest, and the U.S. and the EU may not be far behind in this. As western nations move farther and farther into dictatorships and trust in government continues to erode, crypto currency may likely become a more common refuge.

  2. I am not a huge fan of bitcoin, or any other specific cyber currency. However, considering how fake the currencies of the western are supported, I do not have a better option.

    How humorous that El Salvador is laughing at the so-called first-world western governments.

    Has Bukele been banned on twatter yet?

  3. “Doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground & keep your asshole immigrants in your own country, we don’t want em.”

    Literally the worst propaganda agent we’ve had here.

    Kid, being pissy and angry about EVERYTHING isn’t propaganda. It’s just you being pissy and angry. Bukele doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground? I bet it doesn’t matter to you as you’ll put your dick in either one.

    Cite ONE thing Bukele said. You didn’t read the article. You’re just a stupid reactionary because you have a shitty personal life.

  4. I’m finding myself astonished at the Canadian government’s reaction to a peaceful protest.

    The Cdn. government, like ours and Australia’s and France’s must be extremely annoyed with the threat to their desire to rule us through covid fear and vax mandates. What the world is now would be unbelievable if it were in a Sci-Fi fictional novel. But, it’s reality.

    And, there is a newer strain of covid afoot, said to be more dangerous than Omicron. We have gone from mild to widespread to possibly more deadly. WTF!

  5. FDact is that the entire Ukraine thing is being engineered by the child-molesting minority-hating kaykaykay-associated Joe Biden and whomever cranks the wind-up key installed in his withered wishbone-not-backbone. His sly underhanded efforts are to distract from his and crackhead son’s exposed dealings with Ukraine and Communist China officials especially since the Child Molester’s polls have bottomed out. Not even those 81 PEOPLE (yes, 81 total) who voted for the doomed slob are happy with him and want him gone and done.

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